Salesmanship is a profession where certain proves traits make him a perfect salesperson, These traits speak of various kinds of abilities, capabilities, knacks, acumen. The sales experts have given variety of traits broadly grouped into four, in all covering in this book not less than Pro dozens. The success of a salesman depends on his abilities to a large extent to win the hearts [ consumers. These activities, put together, can be called as a ‘sales personality’. This is obvious at in view of its importance, the compares do take care to select suitable candidates who have promising sales personality.

Sales personality is the hub of human relations. A salesman who is not known to the buyer judges by his personality which is both physical and psychological. It is basically a profession it believes in developing and using interpersonal skills what should be a ‘sales personality’ been well defined by experts and the traits needed are categorized as noted cashier into groups or sub-complexes namely physical, psychological, social and character, In a nutshell, is the sales personality which is the foundation to the success in selling or converting suspect prospect and prospect into a valuable loyal customer.