It is with a view to bringing about peace and order in the world that the UJV.O. came into existence on 25th October, 1945 after termination of World War II.

1. Origin

It is with a view to bringing about peace and order in the world that the UJV.O. came into existence on 25th October, 1945 after termination of World War II.

2. Objects:


Maintenance of Peace and order.

Development of friendly relations among nations.

Co-operation in the solution of international problems.

Common center of achieving these ends.


3. Principles:

Sovereign equality of all the member states. All states are bound to accept the obligations. Restraint from the use of force. The U.N.O. consists of six main organs:

(i) The General Assembly.

(ii) The Security Council.


(ill) The Economic and Social Council.

(iv) The Trusteeship Council.

(v) The International Court of Justice.

(vi) The Secretariat.


4. Advantages over the League:

(i) Born against the common enemy, i.e., Fascism.

(ii) Great awakening and desire for peace.

(iii) Represents all the major powers of the world.


(iv) Russia is its member from the very beginning.

(v) Based on the unanimity of the big five.

(vi) The functions of the various organs are clearly defined.

(vii) Trusteeship Council is an improvement on the Mandate System of the League. The U.N.O. has not justified the faith placed in it. It is torn asunder by the two power blocs.