There can be certain guidelines in setting the appropriate and attainable goals. According to David J. Batchelor and Arirthur H.Horn, these can be:

1. Take Goal setting as a Dynamic Process:

It is really important to keep in mind that goal setting is a journey but not a destination. Once a salesperson has begun the process, he should incorporate reflex, as a part of the good goal selling process Goal setting should be a continuous cycle to be very effective. It is essential to set new goals as the part of the process.

2. See that Goals are well spelled out:


Goals help one to keep one’s focus and direction even after the things get complicated or confusing. They help one to make the right choice for oneself. Goals are like magnets that pull one through life’s difficult lives. The more vivid and clear the goals, the more they help in keeping a person moving in right direction.

3. Keep Goals consistent with Values:

Sales persons goal should match perfectly with his values and beliefs. In case they do not go hand in hand, the sales person will be constantly in conflict. This conflict can deplete one’s energy and motivation. Sales person’s goals must simply, balance his life, and not divide it.

4. Keep Committed to One’s Goals:


All goals have a price. Reaching goals takes certainly time and commitment. It may require personal or financial sacrifice depending on the goal. Success depends upon the ability to pay the price that is demanded.

5. Design an Action Plan:

A goal without a plan is just a fantasy. Selling realistic goals is important. What is more important is acting on than is more important. It is not enough just to achieve something. What is needed is mapping out of a plan putting that plan into action.

6. Continuous Monitoring of Progress:


Many a time people get started toward a goal only to discover that they do not have the skills, capabilities needed to achieve them. In such situations, one should either change goal or acquire the necessary means or skills. It is so because goal setting is a journey.

7. Goals set should be Realistic and Challenging:

Setting goals is one thing. However, goals set must be specific to be effective. It should exactly what the sales person hopes to attain specific objectives help salesman to avoid “shooting from the hip” — during presentation. Objective must realistic very often-inexperienced salesman has unrealistic expectation about prospect’s or customer’s response in the sales call, actives to be realistic the sales person is to consider the variables of culture and its influences. Further, objective must be measurable so that sales people can evaluate each Sales call at its conclusion and determine if the objectives were met.

8.Keep the goals Highly Flexible:


The world of today is in a constant state of flux. Change is common. Jobs change, families values change. Life and living change over a time and it pays to keep goals highly flexible, there is need for incorporating a change management in goal setting and working on them. It not a compromise, but adaptability to move along with the current.

9. Set goals that Help in Controlling One’s Life:

One’s goals are a way of planning and controlling one’s life. It is worth remembering that one’s life unfolds with or without one’s input. It is the choice of a Sales person in question. These pals cannot be separated from life of anybody if he is really interested in working on them.

10. Follow Smart Goal Setting:


SMART goal setting is nothing but meeting each letter’s implications. The word smart speaks of features of goals. That is they are SPECIFIC – identifying what exactly is achievable MEASURABLE – the results are measurable for future improvement; ACHIEVABLE : achievable goals are worse than no goals at all: REALISTIC goals are those contestant with the other objectives in life : TIME- BOUND – each of goals is to be achieved with specific time rime that motivates making a person to move continually is reaching desired outcome. Goals without time frames are nothing more than dreams which may or may not come true.