Tag Archives | activities

Organisation of Curricular and Co-Curricular Activities

After Independence, the University Education Commission (1948-49) in course of their investigations found the Secondary Education to be "the weakest link" between Elementary and University Education in India.

By |2011-05-11T14:44:56+00:00May 11, 2011|Articles|Comments Off on Organisation of Curricular and Co-Curricular Activities

Curricular Activities and National Integration

Programmes and activities of this nature include celebration of national festivals and days damages, educational tours, participation in the NCC, Scout Guides Camps, participation in debating competition and so on.

By |2011-05-06T20:23:41+00:00May 6, 2011|Education|Comments Off on Curricular Activities and National Integration

What are the educative values of co-curricular activities?

Co-curricular activities are not extra activities but complementary, supplementary and substitute educational programmes for an all-round development of a child. It touches all the 3 H’s programmes i.e. Head, Heart and Hand or cognitive, affective and connective programmes.

By |2011-02-24T18:50:41+00:00February 24, 2011|Education|Comments Off on What are the educative values of co-curricular activities?
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