Sociology seeks to study the society and to analyse it in terms of the social relations that have a pattern. Sociology addresses itself to three basic questions.

1. How and why societies emerge;

2. How and why societies persist and;

3. How and why societies change. Sociology as Science


Sociology has been defined as the Science of Society. This raises the question as to what Science is. Some have thought of Science as an approach whereas others have thought of it in terms1 of the subject matter. Simply stated, we might say that the scientific approach consists of certain assumptions that the phenomena studied have a regularity and hence, a pattern. The method emphasises observation and verification of social phenomena. This involves a systematic approach to the study of phenomena.

The systematic approach consists of

1. Defining a problem for study;

2. Collecting data on the problem defined;


3. Analysing and organising the dates which would help in formulation of hypothesis; and

4. Further testing of the hypothesis and on the basis of this develops new concepts and theories.

Sociology has been using a systematic approach in the study of social life. On the basis of the knowledge gathered through the systematic approach, it has tried to build a body of reliable knowledge. From this knowledge, it has tried to establish the patterns of relationships from which effort can be made at understanding social behaviour.

Applied Sociology


Sociologists are interested in conducting research studies in the area of social life and developing theories with regard to human social behaviour. The purpose is to build a body of reliable knowledge through which various aspects of social life can be understood and explained. While this is important, it is necessary to make use of this knowledge in various aspects of human affairs. There are many factors, which have an impact on social relations. Increased use of technology is one such area.

Sociologists could anticipate as to how people will receive and react to a new technology and the changes it might bring about in social relations. There are many programmes of development that are launched. Sociologist can indicate what care is needed to be taken in introducing changes without affecting their way of life so that suggested programmes can be accepted. The reactions towards the innovations – acceptance, resistance or non-acceptance should be noted, when studies could also provide further insight into social values and social behaviour.

Perspectives for General Understanding

Perspective is specific ways of looking at, and understanding. So, considering the views of sociologists and the understanding of society which they have it can be classified as follows:


Marxian perspective

Weberian perspective

Functionalist perspective

Interactionist perspective


Pluralist perspective

Liberal perspective

Historical perspective