Peptic ulcer results due to repeated occurrence of gastric irritation. The person’s suffer ring from this disease have some prior history of indigestion and gastric disorders. Peptic ulcer occurs at the lower end of esophagus, in the stomach wall or in the upper part of duodenum.

There may be two types of peptic ulcer – Gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. According to Yoga peptic ulcer is a psychosomatic disease.

Yogic Management for Peptic Ulcer:

A complete rest and change of environment is recommended as the first step of ulcer therapy. Following yogic practices are prescribed:


Asana- Pawanmuktasana, Suryanamaskara, Shashankasana, Shavasana.

Pranayama- Bhramari, Nadi Sodhana.

Kriya- Neti, Shankhaprakshalana;

Kunjal should not be practised;


Diet- Initally a diet of fruit and milk should be taken. Alternatively, a light liquid diet of vegetable broth, khichari may be taken;

Spicy and heavy foods, smoking and alchohol should be avoided.