Natural vegetation

Those flora are known as natural vegetation which grow automatically without manual effort. Where the natural vegetation acquires densely form they are known to be forests. Forest of the country comprises five major types-Tropical rain forest, Tropical deciduous forest, Thorn forest, Mountain forest and Tidal forest.

Tropical rain forests-

This type of rain forests occur in regions of very heavy rainfall. These regions receive more than 200 cm. rainfall annually. This type of forests is found in the north-eastern states, west Bengal, Andaman & Nicobar and Western Ghats. Cinchona, rubber, Abony and Mahogany hardwood trees are found in these forests.


Tropical deciduous forests-

This type of forests are found in the regions which receive 100-200 cm. rainfall annually. This type of forests are found in the foot hills of the Himalayas, some parts of the Deccan Plateau. Shisham, Sandalwood, Teek and Sal trees are found in these forests.

Thorn forests

Such type of forests are found in the regions which receive rainfall from 50-100 cm annually. This type of forests are found in Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, southern part of Uttar Pradesh and Gujarat. Acacia, thorny bushes and shrubs are the vegetation which are found in these forests.


Mountain forests

This type of forests are found in take Himalayan regions. These forests are of two types-Coniferous Alpine. The coniferous trees include deodar, cedar, pines whereas the alpine trees include shrubs and grasses.

Tidal forests-

These types of forests are found in delta areas which are swampy. Such forests are found in the deltas of Ganga Kaveri, Krishna, Godavari and Mahanadi rivers.