Mussolini played an important role in establishing Fascist rule in Italy. He was born in 1883 Romagna in the family of a blacksmith. After completing his education become editor of Avanti.

He joined army and took active part in the First World War which greatly aroused his patriotic feeling. After the war he formed the Fascist party. He tried to arouse national sentiments of the Italian people and inspired them to work for a progressive and powerful Italy.

Taking full advantage of the prevailing discontent in the country he organized a March to Rome Victor Emman­uel 111, the King of Rome, who was terrified by this action of Mussolini dismissed his Prime Minister Luigi Facta and invited Benito Mussolini to form the government. On 30 October 1922 Mussolini came to power in a constitutional manner.

Immediately he devoted himself to make Italy a powerful nation. He carried out administrative reforms and balanced the national budget. He took measures to stall further devaluation of the Italian currency.


He tried to eradicate illiteracy by making elaborate provisions for education. He introduced compulsory military training and tried to enhance the naval power of Italy to match it with the naval power of France and Germany. He set up hydroelectric power plants to overcome the shortage of coal.

He tried to improve the lot of workers by nationalizing all factories and mills. He set up Syndicates to improve relations between the capitalists and workers. He brought more lands under cultivation and tried to improve and expand transport system and railways. He took ail these measures to make Italy economically self-sufficient.

In 1929 Mussolini concluded a pact with Pope by which the Pope agreed to accept a subordinate position to Mussolini. The Pope was compensated for giving up his political rights.

He was permitted to keep in his possession the Vatican and the Cathedral of St. Peters. He was authorized to appoint bishops and teachers to leach religion. Under the Pact the Fascist Government recognized the Roman Calholic religion as the state religion.