1. Syphilis:

Caused by Treponema palladium. Initially syphilis occurs as a hard sore in the penis or vulva. Gradually, if affects heart, blood vessels and nerves within a period of 4 to 5 years.

2. Gonorrhea:

Caused by Gonococci. Gonorrhea affects the mucous membranes of urethra, ano-rectal mucosa and conjunctiva. It also affects the mucous membranes of vagina, cervix and distant organs like joints, valves of the heart and ocular apparatus.


3. Cancroid:

Caused by Decree’s bacillus. Cancroid produces characteristic lesion of the external genitalia.

4. Lymph granuloma veneered:

A viral disease characterized by urethral and cervical discharge, inguinal lymphadenitis and elephantiasis of external genitalia.


5. Granuloma inguinal:

Caused Donovan granulomatous. Symptoms are ulceration of external genitalia and neighboring sites.


Only by direct sexual contact.


Prevention and control

1. Detection of cases and tracing the contact through whom the disease was acquired. For every case of STD, there must be another case through whom the disease was contacted.

2. Treatment of the patient and his contact with suitable antibiotics.

3. By avoiding promiscuous sexual contact.


4. Use of male contraceptive devices like nirodh or moods during sexual intercourse.

5. Health education about STD and its problems. SYPHILIS

Causative agent:

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by Tropenema palladium. Initially, syphilis occurs as a hard sore in the penis or vulva. Gradually, it affects heart, blood vessels and nerves within a period of 4 or 5 years.


Transmission: Syphilis occurs through sexual contact with infec­ted persons. Congenital syphilis in the newborn is caused by infec­tion from the mother through the placenta.

Prevention and control

1. Detection of cases of syphilis and tracing the contact.

2. Treatment with drugs like PAM or benzathine penicillin.


3. By avoiding promiscuous sexual contact.

4. Use of contraceptive devices like nirodh during sexual intercourse.

5. Health education about syphilis and its problems.


Causative agent

Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease caused by Gono- cocci. Gonorrhea affects mucous membrane of urethra, ano-rectal mucosa and conjunctiva. It also affects mucous membranes of vagina and cervix. It also affects distant organs like joints, valves of the heart and ocular apparatus.

Transmission: By direct sexual contact.

Prevention and control

1. Detection of cases and tracing the contacts.

2. Screening of special groups like grimy personnel, industrial workers, blood donors etc.

3. Treatment with procaine penicillin or penicillin with probenecid.

4. Social therapy like preventing prostitution and rehabilitation of prostitutes.

5. Health education about sexually transmitted diseases and their problems.

Causative agent

AIDS (Acquired immune deficiency syndrome) also called as slim disease is predominantly a sexually transmitted disease. It is a fatal illness caused by a retrovirus known as human immune-deficiency virus (HIV).

AIDS produces breakdown of body’s immune system. This leads to life-threatening opportunistic infections, neurological disor­ders and malignancies.


Sexual transmission by vaginal, anal or oral sex.

Blood contact through transfusion of contaminated blood and blood products.

Maternal-fetal transmission through placenta.

Contaminated needless and syringes especially those used by drug addicts.

Prevention and control

1. Screening of blood donors for AIDS.

2. Screening of high risk groups like prostitutes and drug addicts.

3. Use of disposable syringes for injection.

4. Avoiding promiscuous sexual contact.

5. Use of contraceptive devices like Nirodh.

6. Treatment with antiviral agents like azidothymidine. It is not a cure but it can prolong the life of the patient. Health education about AIDS, its problems and methods of prevention