People felt relieved over the abolition of Abdul Hamid’s reign. They were expecting much from Young Turks, but they were disappointed by the dictatorial attitude of the Young Turks.

People had no hope of their welfare from them. Hence they revolted against the cruelties of the Young Turks.

Chaos prevailed in Macedonia. Albania also became the centre of discontentment in 1910. Armenia and Kurdistan were also set ablaze in revolt. The Young Turks tried to crush the revolution by the following rigorous means:

1. Many atrocities were inflicted on the people.


2. Turks imposed restrictions on public meetings.

3. The Christians were oppressed and kept in rigid control so that they might not raise their head against the Young Turks.

Thus the Young Turks revolted against the autocracy of the Sultan of Turkey but wanted to establish their own autocracy which ultimately resulted in their downfall.