The following reasons can be adduced for the failure of the Young Turk Revolution:

1. The movement was started with democratic principles but soon it turned autocratic. The reign of Young Turks was no less rigid, cruel and autocratic than that of the Turkish Sultan.

2. The basis of government was casteism in place of justice. Turks being victors considered themselves higher than other castes. Their superiority complex created disharmony among different castes.

3. The Turkish Empire was a collection of different castes, languages, religions and cultures. It was essential for the Young Turks to adopt a policy of decentralization in place of centralization but the Young Turks did not do so and made their fall imminent.


4. The Young Turks did not introduce any reformative scheme for the good of people, whereas political, social, economic and religious reforms were most needed in the country.

5. The policy of the Young Turks was based on Turkification. They tried to impose Turkish language, religion and culture on the non-Muslims. They endeavoured to resettle Turks in Macedonia in great numbers and to crush the local government of Albania.

They also perpetrated a fierce massacre in Armenia and tried to impose Islam on the people of Greece by suppressing the Greek Orthodox Church.

6. Many Greeks, Serbs, Bulgarians, etc. fled to foreign countries due to the cruelties and atrocities of the Young Turks.


Consequently, Turkey was deprived of the services of many worthy citizens. Not only this, they mounted propaganda against Turkey in foreign countries and thus brought a bad name to Turkey.

Thus the Young Turk Revolution failed due to their mistakes. Had they acted wisely and provided a liberal rule to the people of Turkey, Young Turks would have ruled for a pretty long time. But unfortunately they failed to keep in step with the times and brought about their own downfall.