The Young Turk Revolution was the most important event of the history of modern Europe. It affected the course of history as follows:

1. First of all it ended the age-old autocratic rule of Turkey and sowed the seeds of democracy. They first of all introduced parlia­mentary system in Turkey in 1908.

2. This revolution made the inter caste cooperation possible in Turkey. When Sultan Abdul Hamid accepted the parlia­mentary rule in Turkey after the revolution of the Young Turks, non-Turks also expressed their joy and enthusiasm.

3. The revolution proved that the Sultan cannot rule on the basis of convention and heredity. His sovereignty was based on the public opinion. It was a unique experiment in the history of Turkey.


4. The Young Turk Revolution gave birth to reformative tendency. Army was no longer the supporter of the king.

5. The Young Turk Revolution later on turned nationalistic. The Young Turks turned to be radical due to their feeling of excessive nationalism. They adopted a policy of Turk towards non-Turks. It gave birth to mutual disharmony and chaos.

6. A great number of non-Turks fled to foreign countries due to excessive nationalism of the Young Turks.

7. Bulgaria and Crete declared their independence against Turkey.


8. Austria occupied Bosnia and Herzegovina for fear of Turkey becoming organised and powerful.

9. As the above events were contrary to the terms of the treaty of Berlin, Russia opposed them.

10. Italy invaded Tripoli in 1911 and incorporated it into her empire.