Large number of Pupils:

Health service to school children is important because they form a suitable portion of the population in any country In India children, between the age group to 5 to 14 forms one fourth of the total population. By virtue of their numbers, they are entitled to a major share of the community health services. The socio economic development and prosperity of a nation depends upon the proper care and development of its children.

Period of Growth:

During “the school period the children undergo rapid physical, mental and emotional changes. So there is great need of health supervision and I guidance during this period.


Early Detection of Diseases:

Children are suscepti­ble to many communicable diseases. The school provides an excellent opportunity for the early detection of defects and departures from the ‘normal’ which might stand on the way of attaining full health and ability in later life.

Group Living:

Outside the home, the school is the first place where the children experience group living. The school presents the child with a new social and mental experience. Therefore, it is important that there should be adequate health supervision and guidance during this period. Further, the child is exposed to the hazards of infection in a mixed community. Often the child carries infection to his home from the school and in turn subjects the community in which he lives to the risks and dangers of communicable diseases. School health service aims at minimizing these dangers,


Controlled Population:

School children are a con­trolled population” i.e. they belong to a certain age group and they are easily reached that is why, it is easy to implement and assess health programmes among them.

Educational Opportunities:

The school is the best forum for imparting health education to children It is in the school that the health of children can best be improved and that the practices and attitudes can be molded and guided by the educational process.