Here are few Yogic Practices which can cure Thyroid diseases:

Thyroid Diseases

There may be two types:

Hyperthyroid or Thyrotoxicosis with the following symptoms:


Thin, irritable, anxious, hysterical, increased heart rate, shallow respiration, frequent bowl motion, heat intolerance, sweating, bulging eyes.

Hypothyroidism (Myxoedema for adults and Cretinism for children at birth) with the symptoms:

Constipation, tiredness, vague muscle pain, weight gain in spite of poor appetite, dry skin, forgetfulness.

Suggested yogic practices:


a) Asana- Sarvangasana, Halasana, Matsyasana, Suryanamaskara, Pawanmuktasana, Suptavajrasana.

b) Mudra- Viparithkarani, Yogamudra, Pashinee mudra.

c) Pranayama- Ujjayi, Sheetali and Seetkari.

d) Bandha- Jalandhar bandha.