It is indeed pathetic incident on one’s part to be departed from one’s near and dear colleagues. But it comes in everybody’s life just as the sun sets in the west at the time of twilight. I experienced the sorrowful incident when I was about to appear the High School Examination.

It is a tradition to bid farewell to the students of Class X by the students of Class IX. It was in the month of April that we were invited by the Students of Class IX to attend a meeting in connection with our leave taking.

The time was noon and the day was 5th April when our class teacher announced the suspension of classes to prepare our lessons for the High School Examination. The entrance of the class teacher was quite dramatic and we were conveyed the message that a farewell meeting would be held in the spacious hall of the school building.

The Headmaster affectionate to us was inquired us about our studies and asked some questions. We answered the questions up to his satisfactions. Then he told us how to prepare our lessons, and how to answer the questions at the forthcoming examination. He emphasised very much on the necessity of revising the answers. He tried to convince us how it would be easier for us to satisfy the examiner with flawless answers and how to avoid errors of common nature by the practice of writing.


We, the students of Class X assembled in a hall accompanied by our class teacher, headmaster himself and several other teachers. The meeting was presided over by the Headmaster. The students of Class IX expressed their feelings through moving songs. The teachers wished us to come out with flying colours in the forthcoming examination.

Most of the teachers laid stress on our hard work, sincerity and boldness for facing the examination. The lovable teachers expressed their regret to miss us. They advised us to seek their guidance whenever we encountered any doubt in our lessons. They wished a bright future for all of us and told to bring laurels to school. They expected us not to forget the school, wherever we go. There seemed sincere good will in their tone.

At the end of the meeting we bowed down our heads before all the teachers as a mark of salutation and took the dust of their feet as a token of our devotion. As we were to leave the premises of the school, tears began rolling down our cheeks. The students of Class IX and the teachers told could not stop sobbing because of their intimacy with us, A sense of depression prevailed over us as we had spent a greater part of our career there so called the best part of our boyhood.

Some of our class mates expressed their sad deep feelings at the hour of taking leave of the junior class mates. We thanked the students of our junior class for arranging the farewell ceremony and advised them not to ever discontinue such a healthy tradition of the school. The last look of the school building made our hearts having as many memories had been there with it. We promised before the school teachers to keep up the prestige of the school by our sincere efforts.


We thanked them for their good wishes. Our photographs were taken by the photographer as reminiscence for the school. Indeed it seemed to me as if the school were a living memory. The meeting ended with a lot of funs and merry making accompanied by a tea party.