As we are approaching the turn of the century, there is a growing interest in forecasting what will be the human condition in near future, say in the year 2010 or 2020. Futuristic writings afford to creative minds a fertile field for extrapolation and prediction. The more plausible a prediction one can make, the more respect he will command from the readers.

Quantum leap in the discoveries of Biology and inven¬tions of Physical Science has provoked writers like H.G. Wells, Aldous Huxley and George Orwell to weave scientific fantasies in their books like “The Time Machine”, “The Brave New World” and “The Animal Farm” respectively.

Many of their predic¬tions have come true. Many students, with more than average ability, would find exploration of future a very absorbing and rewarding mental exercise. They can analyse and observe the current tendencies in the field of automobiles, aircraft, and test-tube ba¬bies and cloning of living organisms and build up an imaginative future scenario.

How the improvement in telecommunication has affected our way of looking at life and social attitude is a field for endless research and criticism. Maga¬zine articles and books abound on these subjects, a familiarity with which will help students enormously in collecting materials for futuristic essays.