We have already discussed about the meaning and nature of karma, which cornel under the category of sakama karma (desirous action) because “I” ness is always there.

As per as karma yoga is concerned the action which is done with yogic attitude detached from the fruit and completely surrender near to the god or deity with absent of “I” ness is known as karma yoga or niskama karma (non desirous action). According to Swami Sivananda “the coordination between head, hand and heart or tin coordination between body, mind and emotion is called karma yoga”. Also action relaxation without expectation is known as karma yoga.

Here one question arises why niskama karma (karma yoga) and sakama karma (karma), if someone will leave all his karma then there, shall be no question of duality, rebirth, attachment, detachment, bondage and liberation, etc. To meet the answer of this question in the Bhagavad Gita it has been mentioned that nobody can stay without karma he is bound to perform it. In the Bhagavad Gita 3rd chapter verse number 8 says”

One must perform action, one should not remain inactive, and also without action the journey of the self will not be completed”.


So it is not a difficult situation for the human being he can not stay without action nor can he free from the dual experiences. Here the role of karma yoga comes to the light.

Karma yoga alone can leads towards the perfection of the self and freedom from the bondage. The same karma may leads towards bondage or liberation according to the ability, thought and faith of the person.

The state of mind plays a pivotal role in karma yoga. The thinking process during the performance of action gives the result; here the result means pain and pleasure, bondage and liberation etc. What one is doing, is not so important, but how one is doing, is most important thing in karma yoga. That means the intension of work is important.

Giving service to the common people in order to get name, fame and power is not the karma yoga at all. That’s why one should perform his action without being attached with his failure and success. In the Bhagavad Gita and chapter verse number 47 mentions that “One has the right over his action not on its fruit also one should not perform any action in order to get fruit and not become inactive.


Saksibhava is the most important instrument in karma yoga. One should perform action with the feeling of witnessing attitude and totally surrendering near to his guru or deity, if he wants to be free from the bondage and sufferings. Psychological analysis of karmas