Yoga is a system of Indian philosophy. It is one among the six theistic systems. Other three are atheistic. Totally there are nine schools of thought that regulates the intellects of schools down the ages, they are:

The Buddha’s have form philosophical systems which are madhyamika, yogacara, sautrantika and vaibhasika.

Apparently Baudhas and Jainas do not believe in the authority of the Vedas. But in a deep sense they do not contradict.

Six systems of Indian philosophy is the root of Indian thinking which is scientific and explicit through centuries. Mentioned below is the commonness of six Indian philosophical systems.


1. Existence doesn’t come out of non-existence. The existent becomes never non-existence: nothing comes out of nothing

2. The Supreme Being is the sole cause of the universe. This creation has no beginning.

3. There is unity, similarity and utility in the creation. The creation, existence and dissolution happen consciously.

4. Jivatma or the self is the doer and the enjoyer. He gets different body as per his deeds.


5. Self is innumerable. But all are different from each other according to their body, sensory organs etc. Again they are all conscious and eternal.

6. The Vedas are self evident principles

7. The aim of the self is liberation

8. The world is beginingless


9. False knowledge is the cause of bondage

10. Doubtfulness is not the right thing

11. The aim of all sastrsa is liberation from three folds of sorrows

From the above discussion it is understood how yoga is the most ancient philosophical set of thinking with the system of sankhya. This has been practical in different dimension by meny acaryas and siddhas. The branches of yoga are quite interesting.


Bhagavat gita happens to be the most ancient yoga sastra to speak about the branches of yoga. Through apparently it gives laxity in the use of the word ‘yoga’, the Gita says all life is yoga. From visada to moksa, all the eighteen chapters are named after yoga. But three branches are important; they are Riana, karma and bhakti. The integral man needs knowledge, action and devotion. If one starts with karma, he ends with jnana and bhakti and reaches in karmasanyasa. Gita says,

Leaving of all the expectations of action gives one peace and boads him bliss.

Besides there are tantra yoga, prema yoga and other types of sadhana most effective tantra sadhana became out of circulation due to its obscurity prema sadhana is included in bhaktiyoga.