Karma means action, of three types, they are physical, mental and spirit Again karma may be ordinary, sinful and spiritual. Whatever type of work I expansion or contraction, movements or activities we do are ordinary karma besides whatever actives we do for ourselves or for others we expect some res out of them.

This ordinary action maybe turmed as sakama karma. When any boy works for the divine without any expectation of results, it is known as niskama kan In a greater sense it can be said as karma sanyasa.

If there is action, (good/ba there is result. The person is bound to enjoy the results of their karma, it May (sukha) pleasurable or (dukha) sorrowful. If one rejects the results of the karma surrendering the work and the result under the feet of the god, then it is known karma sanyasa.This karma sanyasa is known as karma yoga. It is the high attainment in karma yoga.

Nobody can live without karma even for a moment. In order to sustain on has to do some work and that work may be sakama karma. But if one is encourage working more than his ordinary sustenance then he is a scientist, a researcher, a poet etc. By this work they earn name and fame.


If a man works instinctively for the intere of his inner being (antara atma) he does not expect any name and fame. Graduall he attains perfection and works for the divine and lives for the divine. This is called karma yoga. Karma yoga is a medium to attain the highest goal of life.

Leaving of karma superficially and remain attached for result in mind is not the right attitude of karma yogi. One should do karmas as per the injunction of the scriptures.