How is bronchitis caused; what is the cure?

This is one of the diseases of the lower respiratory tract in­cluding the bronchi, bronchioles and sometimes lungs also. Usually bron­chitis refers to the inflammed condition of the bronchi (air ways). There are two types of bronchitis- Acute bronchitis and chronic bronchitis.

Acute bronchitis:

This is followed either by a viral or bacterial infection of the upper respiratory tract. Bacterial agents such as Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae and others cause secondary infec­tions. Acute bronchitis is common in winter months. Symptoms of acute bronchitis are- headache, mild fever (38-39°), cough with mucous, pain below the sternum, fast and laboured breathing with whistling sounds that can be heard through a stethoscope. Diagnosis of the disease includes blood test (raised WBC count) besides physical examination.


Treatment of the disease includes bed rest in a warm well ventilated room, antiobiotics such as ampicillin or oxytetracycline, inhalation of medicated steam (menthol), exprectorants (which bring out the mucous) and bronchodilators if necessary.

Chronic bronchitis:

The attack of chronic bronchitis is not sudden. It is persistant over a long time. Usually persistant cough over 3 months (some times up to two years) is an indication of chronic bronchitis. Condition becomes aggravated due to smoking arid atmospheric pollutants. Infec­tion by bacteria increases the disease already existing. Clinical symptoms include persistant caught severely increasing at times, breathlessness on exertion, oedema of legs, strain on the right ventricle, impairment of the functioning of the lungs etc.



The first step in the treatment is to persuade the patient to give up smoking (if he is a smoker). The patient should also avoid dusty or smoky environment. Chemotherapy with specific anitbiotics to tide over the acute condition must be followed. If wheezing is present, bornchodilators are to be used. In some cases of suspected allergy steriods also may be used.