The final result of sales talk will be either positive or negative taking the present situation. The concluding routine to be followed is really important which speaks of real culture of a professional salesman. To the last, minute of his stay with the customer or the prospect, the latter should carry a good and lasting impression about the salesman. Let us see as to what type of routine is to be employers both in case of positive and negative results of the close.

In Case of Positive Result:

A salesman who has been able to clinch the order is really free from his sales tension. .As the deal is mutually lucrative, the salesman is to thank the customer for his valuable patronage and forget about sales by switching new to other general topic of interest to the customer. However, he should not exhibit too much of his victory in getting the order.

In Case of Negative Result:


All sales talks will not result in positive game to the side of salesman. He should collapse mentally. He should keep cool. The same smile gleam as his face should continue. Never he should get angry and feel frustrated. He should take this failure as a way : awards next victory.