They resemble housefly in appearance. They are yellow or dark brown in color. They are found only in African continent They transmit trypanosomiasis or sleeping sickness.The life cycle of tsetse fly is slightly different. The female does not lay eggs but gives birth to larva. The larva gets buried in the earth, from which pupa develops. The pupa develops into an adult tsetse fly.


It is by using insecticides like DDT and by clearing vegetation.

Lice are small, wingless insects. They infest man and bite severely. There are three types of lice:


Pedicels capitals Pedicels corpora’s Pitchers pubis.

Diseases transmitted by lice are relapsing fever, trench fever and dermatitis. They transmit diseases by 1. direct contact from one person to the other 2 indirect contact through clothes^belching or combs.

The life cycle of lice involves three stages viz. egg, larva and adult. The eggs called nits are laid singly or in groups. They are firmly attached to hair or clothes. The eggs hatch into larva in 6 to 9 days. The larva looks like an adult except that it is small in size. The larva molts thrice and develops into an adult in 10 to 15 days.