51. ‘Goa’ is an example of

(a) Religious city

(b) Industrial city

(c) Port city


(d) Commercial city

52. Unlike rural community, urban community is

(a) More static

(b) Less familiar


(c) More familiar

(d) More traditional

53. What is the focus of human relation approach in the study of modern industrial set-up?

(a) Worker’s morale


(b) Profit making

(c) Management’s benefit

(d) Solution of union grievances

54. A town which serves the hinterland and in return is served by the hinterland is called


(a) Central place

(b) Growth centre

(c) Main centre

(d) Service centre


55. In the Indian context urban is generally described as

(a) A function of population size and density

(b) A permanent settlement of cities

(c) A community enjoying modern facilities with low density of population


(d) A class of people characterised by higher education

56. The main characteristic at the city is its complexity, “the city is very complicated system of religious, cultural, political, economic, recreational activities, with highly stratified organisations, its population is differentiated by origin, religion, status, education and behaviour pattern.”

Who is associated with this statement?

(a) Louis Wirth

(b) R. Redfield

(c) Sehegal

(d) R. Park

57. Which among the following is not an ecological process of urban growth?

(a) Centralization

(b) Migration

(c) Invasion

(d) Natural growth

58. In the process of folk-urban inter-relationship, certain elements of high culture filter down to the local context to become a part of one of another little tradition. Which one of the following process correctly represents this?

(a) Parochialisation

(b) Universalisation

(c) Diffusion

(d) Decentralization

59. Considering the following, what is the correct sequence of the above in the increasing density of community living?

1. City

2. Town

3. Village

4. Metropolis

5. Neighbourhood


(a) 5, 3, 2, 1 and 4

(b) 3, 2, 5, 1 and 4

(c) 5, 2, 3, 4 and 1

(d) 4, 1, 2, 3 and 5

60. The ‘Compositional Theory’ of urbanization is propounded by

(a) K. Davis

(b) T. Parsons

(c) Gane

(d) Elliott

61. Who has suggested ‘principal activity’ on the basis for classifying the cities?

(a) E.E. Muntz

(b) Mikim Marriott

(c) Munyord

(d) Spengler

62. Who has described ‘City as a sink of civilization’?

(a) Rousseau

(b) Locke

(c) Mumford

(d) Spengler

63. Who among the following has proposed the sector theory of urban development?

(a) Homer Hoyt

(b) Burgess

(c) Spengler

(d) Park

64. Who among the following held a very pessimistic view regarding the city?

(a) Max Weber and G. Simmel

(b) Oswald Spengler and L. Mumford

(c) Robert Redfield and Oscar Lewis

(d) Louis Wirth and R. Park

65. As the name suggests rural-urban fringe represents the fusion of rural and urban ways of life on the ___________ of the large metropolitan communities.

(a) Middle

(b) Periphery

(c) Outskirts

(d) Nearby industries

66. Which tribal group considers ‘Ayak’ a benevolent god?

(a) Kolam

(b) Naikpods

(c) Sooras

(d) Nishis

67. Who among the following has written ‘cities in evolution” in 1915?

(a) Max Weber

(b) Oswald Spengler

(c) Robert Park

(d) Patrick Geddes

68. Who among the following has coined the term ‘Conurbation’?

(a) Patrick Geddes

(b) Whyte

(c) R. Park

(d) Robert Redfield

69. Urban areas formed by the fusion of towns through spreading industry and housing is called

(a) In built area

(b) Suburb

(c) Conurbation

(d) Spreading

70. Who of the following has made distinction between Folk and Urban society?

(a) Robert Redfield

(b) Robert Park

(c) Louis Wirth

(d) Oscar Lewis

71. Which of the following is not an approach to study Urban Sociology?

(a) Ecological

(b) Community

(c) Organisation

(d) Associational

72. Who does not belong to Chicago School of Urban Sociology?

(a) Robert Redfield

(b) Robert Park

(c) Robert Blumer

(d) Louis Wirth

73. Who among the following is not a member of German School of Urban Sociology?

(a) Max Weber

(b) Oswald Spengler

(c) G. Simmel

(d) F. Tonnies

74. Who among the following has regarded the onset of urbanism as one of the blessings of capitalism?

(a) Karl Marx

(b) Max Weber

(c) Oswald Spengler

(d) Rudolph

75. Whom of the following has image of man as isolated, exaggeratedly self centered, and extremely individuated?

(a) Thomas Hobbes

(b) Karl Marx

(c) C.W. Mills

(d) T. Parsons

76. Who has advocated ‘National Park’ theory for Tribal Development?

(a) D.N. Majumdar

(b) T.N. Madan

(c) Lucy Mair

(d) Elwin

77. Name the criminal tribe of Gurgaon.

(a) Gowari

(b) Bawaria

(c) Danteswari

(c) Mewati

78. Andamanese are

(a) Negrito

(b) Caucasoid

(c) Mongoloid

(d) Alpian

79. Name the largest slum of Asia.

(a) Dharavi

(b) Kamatipura

(c) Basti

(d) Ahata

80. The term ‘Polis’ has its origin in

(a) City state Greek

(b) Medieval cities

(c) Rome

(d) Mesopotamia

81. Ecology refers to the relationship between organisms and their

(a) Environment

(b) River system

(c) Purity of air

(d) Fauna

82. List I (Book)

A. Urbanisation in India

B. Urban Sociology in India

C. Dynamics of Rural Society

D. Studies in Urban Development

List II (Author)

1. Prakasha Rao

2. M.S. A. Rao

3. R. Mukherjee

4. Mill & Becker


























83. The earliest slums were

(a) Negro ghettos

(b) Christian ghettos

(c) Jewish ghettos

(d) Chicano ghettos

84. The concept culture of poverty is propounded by

(a) Oscar Lewis

(b) Whyte

(c) Robert Redfield

(d) Robert Park

85. ‘Report to the Durbar of Indore’ -1920, is the work of

(a) A.M. Shah

(b) Patrick Geddes

(c) G.S. Ghurye

(d) R.K. Mukerjee

86. ‘Cities in Evolution’ is written by

(a) Max Weber

(b) Homer Hoyt

(c) Mumford

(d) Patrick Geddes

87. Concept of housing class was given by

(a) Rex and Moore

(b) Davis and Moore

(c) T. Veblen

(d) T. Parsons

88. Book ‘Cities and Civilisation’ is written by

(a) G.S. Ghurye

(b) Patrick Geddess

(c) E. Burgess

(d) Rousseau

89. List I (City)

A. Madras

B. Bombay

C. Calcutta

D. Kanpur

List II (Slum)

1. Chal

2. Cherry

3. Ahata

4. Basti


(a)2 1 3 4

(b) 2 1 4 3

(c)1 2 3 4

(d) 1 2 4 3

90. Which of the following is true regarding city?

1. The city is the home of opposites

2. The word ‘Pura’ means fortified city

3. The social effect of city is wider than the city itself

4. It is public behaviour that the city regulates, and the private behaviour it ignores.


(a) 1 and 2

(b) 1 only

(c) 1, 2, 3 and 4

(d) 1, 2 and 3

91. Who of the following has impartial view regarding city?

(a) Louis Wirth

(b) Lewis Mumford

(c) Simmel

(d) Robert Park

92. How many villages are there in India?

(a) More than three lakhs

(b) More than seven lakhs

(c) More than six lakhs

(d) More than two lakhs

93. The term that means providing security and stability is

(a) Stabilization

(b) Symbolisation

(c) Mooring

(d) Cherish

94. Rural and urban centres have co-existed in India, except for a brief interlude during the

(a) Indus valley

(b) Medieval period

(c) Rig-vedic period

(d) Gupta period

95. Rural and urban centres share some common facets of life. They show

(a) Antagonism

(b) Contradiction

(c) Cooperation

(d) Interdependence

96. Despite interdependence between rural and urban, there are certain distinctive features which separate them from each other. Among the following which are these?

1. Size

2. Demographic Composition

3. Style of life

4. Economy

5. Social relations


(a) 1, 2, 3

(b) 1, 5 only

(c) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

(d) 3, 4, 5

97. Rural people live in settled villages. How many types of settlement patterns have been observed in rural areas mainly?

(a) Seven

(b) Five

(c) Three


98. Which among the following is not a pattern of settlement in rural areas?

(a) Nucleated

(b) Scattering of homesteads

(c) Linear settlement

(d) Peripheral

99. The most common type of settlement is

(a) Nucleated

(b) Linear

(c) Scattered

(d) Circular

100. There is no linear settlement in

(a) Kerala

(b) Konkan

(c) Delta lands of Bengal

(d) Hills of Assam and Meghalaya


52. (a)

53. (b)

54. (a)

55. (a)

56. (c)

57. (a)

58. (a)

59. (c)

60. (a)


62. (a)

63. (b)

64. (c)

65. (a)

66. (d)

67. (a)

68. (c)

69. (a)

70. (d)


72. (d)

73. (a)

74. (a)

75. (d)

76. (b)

77. (a)

78. (a)

79. (a)



82. (b)

83. (b)

84. (d)

85. (a)

86. (a)

87. (c)

88. (a)

89. (b)

90. (c)


92. (d)

93. (c)

94. (c)

95. (d)

96. (c)

97. (d)

98. (c)

99. (d)
