151. Which are the most important parts for the pattern of city growth?

(a) Multiple centre patterns

(b) Concentric zones pattern

(c) Sector pattern


(d) Occupational pattern

152. Concentric zones pattern of city growth was propounded by

(a) Max Weber

(b) Homer Whyte


(c) Park and Burgess

(d) Marris and Ulman

153. Who has propounded the multiple centre patterns in 1945?

(a) Morris and Ulman


(b) Robert Redfield

(c) Toynbee

(d) Louis Wirth

154. A residence area characterized by structural decay, overcrowding, and lack of recreational space and neglect of neighborhood facilities is called


(a) Middle town

(b) Worker’s residents

(c) Slums

(d) Zone in transition


155. When a slum is inhabited largely or exclusively by persons of a single ethnic or racial group, it may be called a

(a) Concentration

(b) Locality

(c) Domination


(d) Ghetto

156. The ending of craft production resulted in a shift of power from workers to

(a) Capitalist

(b) Trade union

(c) Government

(d) Management

157. Who among the following feels that automation has led to a decline in the worker’s class consciousness and militancy, a development that reflects the growing consensus between employers and employees and the increase in the worker’s feeling that he has a stake in industry?

(a) Toffler

(b) Goffman

(c) Robert Blauner

(d) Dahrendorf

158. ‘Since workers in automated industry have greater control over and responsibility for production, they will tend to see themselves as the real controllers of industry.’ Whose view is this?

(a) Serge Mallet

(b) Blumer

(c) John Rex

(d) W.J. Goode

159. Who sees workers in automated production forming the vanguard of the class struggle? He believes that they will provide an example which the working class as a whole tends to follow?

(a) E. Goffman

(b) T. Parsons

(c) Serge Mallet

(d) Louis Althusser

160. ‘Styling of activities’ is the idea of

(a) R.K. Merton

(b) Malinowski

(c) Goffman

(d) C.W. Mills

161. According to 1991 census how many person lived in towns and cities?

(a) Over 23 crore

(b) Over 35 crore

(c) Over 18 crore

(d) Over 19 crore

162. Percentage of population living in urban areas accounting for_____ of the total population, according to 1991 census.

(a) 35%

(b) 27%

(c) 23%

(d) 20%

163. In the process of urbanisation, the concept of’ Community Living Land’ became.

(a) Goal oriented

(b) Casual

(c) Informalised

(d) Personalised

164. The problem of pollution is becoming increasingly acute with the rise of urbanization on account of which of these following reasons.

1. Indiscriminate growth of industrial and chemical plants in spite of the efforts through legal measure to check such growth.

2. Pre-industrial structure of cities with narrow streets and roads, which have become defective and inefficient in regulating traffic

3. Lack of effective and systematic use pattern on account of scarce land and its commercial speculation

4. High rise buildings, representing vertical growth of cities, ultimately causing high density of population, congestion on roads and pollution.


(a) 1,4

(b) 1, 2, 3 and 4

(c) 1, 3 and 4

(d) 3 and 4

165. ‘Air pollution has assumed such alarming proportions in several cities and rural areas around the world that merely breathing the air in Bombay is now equivalent to smoking ten cigarettes a day’. This observation is made by

(a) Maharashtra Pollution Control Board

(b) World Watch Institute

(c) World Health Organisation

(d) National Commission on Environment

166. In the face of rapid industrial-urban growth in the technologically advanced and capitalistic country like the U.S.A also, there are such slums, which at times are referred to as the ‘other – America.’

Whose observation is this?

(a) Oscar Lewis

(b) Louis Wirth

(c) Michael Harington

(d) R. Park

167. Crime is usually

(a) Similar in the rural and urban areas

(b)Higher in the big cities than in the rural area

(c) Higher in the rural areas than in the urban areas

(d)Lower in the metropolitan cities than in the small towns.

168. The concept of the marginal man is developed by

(a) Robert Redfield

(b)Robert Park

(c) Erwin Goffman

(d)R.K. Merton

169. Which among the following statements are correct?

1. Socially isolated persons are often found in the villages

2. A city dweller is usually socially far detached from his/her fellow city dwellers while living in the sea of humanity

3. A city dweller is usually unable to make intimate and emotionally strong, relationship with his fellow dwellers.

4. Rapid growth of urban population leads to greater division of labour


(a) 1, 2, 3 and 4

(b) 3 and 4

(c) 2, 3 and 4

(d) 1, 2 and 3

170. ‘Urban society: An Ecological Approach” is written by

(a) Louis Wirth

(b) A.H. Hawley

(c) PC. Joshi

(d) R.K. Mukherjee



152. (d)

153. (d)

154. (c)

155. (a)

156. (c)

157. (c)

158. (a)

159. (b)

160. (a)


162. (b)

163. (c)

164. (b)

165. (b)

166. (c)

167. (b)

168. (b)

169. (b)

170. (b)