1. Who among the following was the first to distinguish between the state and the government?

(a) Locke

(b) R. Dahl

(c) Marx


(d) Max Weber

2. The state originates and continues to exist for the sake of the best life’.

Whose opinion is this?

(a) Aristotle


(b) C.W. Mills

(c) R. Dahl

(d) W. Pareto

3. Who among the following is associated with authority?


(a) Hobbes

(b) Rousseau

(c) M. Weber

(d) Locke


4. The three-tier system of Panchayati Raj was recommended by

(a) Kaka Kalekar Committee

(b) Simon Commission

(c) Balwant Rai Mehta Committee


(d) Jai Prakash Narain Committee

5. ‘The political master always finds himself vis­a-vis the trained official in the position of a dilettante facing the expert.

Whose opinion is this?

(a) Harold Laski


(b) Max Weber

(c) Mosca

(d) W. Pareto

6. The local governments are generally entrusted with

(a) The administration of local subjects

(b) Performance of various functions

(c) Developmental functions

(d) Responsible to state government

7. What differentiates state from nation?

(a) People

(b) Government

(c) Territory

(d) Sovereignty

8. To identify the social with the political is to be guilty of grossest of all confusions which completely bar any understanding of either state or society.

(a) Bryan Wilson

(b) David Almonds

(c) Maclver

(d) Karl Marx

9. Who describes power as ‘the determination of the behaviour of others in accordance with one’s own ends’?

(a) T. Parsons

(b) W. Moore

(c) M. Weber

(d) K. Davis

10. In simple society political institutions were based on the principle of

(a) Supremacy of the ruler

(b) Rule of law

(c) Code of conduct

(d) Hierarchy of power holding

11. The term ‘hegemony’ is associated with

(a) Bryan Wilson

(b) R. Dahl

(c) Gramsci

(d) Hobbes

12. The institutions of local governments

(a) Have been in existence for several centuries

(b) First evolved in India in eighteenth century

(c) Came into existence after Independence

(d) Emerge in Europe in Twentieth Century

13. There must be in all societies a class of rules too practical to be backed up by religious sanctions, too burdensome to be left to mere goodwill, too personally vital to individuals to be enforced by any abstract agency. This is the domain of legal rules and to venture to foretell that reciprocity, systematic incidence, publicity and ambition will be found to be the main factors in the binding machinery of primitive law. Who opined this?

(a) Malinowski

(b) F. Tonnies

(c) Henry Maine

(d) Mclennan

14. Which of the following statements regarding rational – legal authority is true?

(a) It depends upon the person who holds the office

(b) It emphasizes conformity

(c) It works because of personal favours of the officer

(d) It is inherent in the office held by the officer

15. Which of the following type of society shows the total absence of bureaucracy?

(a) Tribal

(b) Agrarian

(c) Industrial

(d) Post-Industrial

16. Which is the most important element of nationality?

(a) Common language

(b) Common religion

(c) Common race

(d) Corporate sentiment

17. When an organisation is governed by the small group of members it is known as

(a) Monarchy

(b) Anarchy

(c) Autocracy

(d) Oligarchy

18. Which of the following are attributes of democracy?

1. Political parties

2. Electorate

3. Independent judiciary

4. Universal adult franchise


(a) 1 and 2

(b) 1, 3, 4

(c) 1, 2, 3 and 4

(d) 1, 2 and 4

19. Which one of the following terms is used to describe the government of a group by its own members on their own Authority?

(a) Autonomous

(b) Autocratic

(c) Plutocracy

(d) Democracy

20. Oriental despotism is primarily related to?

(a) Control over water resources

(b) Control over means of production.

(c) Use of the army for maintaining law and order

(d) Control over raw material

21. Which among the following is not matched correctly?

(a) Traditional authority – Patrimonial chief

(b) Rational legal authority – Democratic set up

(c) Charismatic authority – non revolutionary in purpose

(d) Routinisation of charisma – change in the extent of charisma influence either to traditional or rational form of authority

22. Who among the following holds the view that differentiation in authority is the basis of division in society?

(a) Dahrendorf

(b) Max Weber

(c) Coser L.

(d) C.W. Mills

23. The concept of________ was first given by Frenchman Raven.

(a) Power and coercion

(b) Referent power

(c) Power and use of power

(d) Situation of power

24. Who has distinguished between a ‘Rational Legal’ types from that of ‘Khadi Type’ of justice?

(a) M.K. Gandhi

(b) M. Weber

(c) E. Shils

(d) W. Churchill

25. Which is not necessarily a dictatorship even though it has a single ruler?

(a) State system

(b) Band

(c) Acephalous

(d) Stateless

26. The book ‘Power Elite’ is written by

(a) C.W. Mills

(b) Pareto

(c) Mosca

(d) R. Dahl

27. According to Mahatma Gandhi, the most important part of a state is

(a) Law

(b) Society

(c) Individual

(d) Prison

28. “Man is a social animal and the state exists for the welfare of individuals in a society.” Whose view is this?

(a) Aristotle

(b) K. Marx

(c) A. Lincoln

(d) T. Roosevelt

29. According to Pareto __________ provided an example of fox type of elite.

(a) European democracies

(b) Democracy

(c) Clergy

(d) Dictatorship

30. ‘Consent’ forms the psychological basis of leadership. This is the opinion of

(a) Evans – Pritchard

(b) L. Coser

(c) R. Dahrendorf

(d) M. Weber

31. Force is

(a) The basis of authority

(b) The basis of state

(c) The element of state

(d) The origin of state

32. Society which is ruled by one-party dictatorship organised under a charismatic leader is called

(a) Socialist Society

(b) Fascist Society

(c) Communist Society

(d) Democratic Society

33. Which among the following is a Gandhian State?

(a) Democracy

(b) Swaraj

(c) Co-operative decentralisation

(d) Socialism

34. Which among the following statements about characteristics of simple political system is correct?

(a) They are segmentary in nature

(b) They do not have any law and government

(c) They are kinship based

(d) They are ruled by traditions only

35. The authority which an officer exercises over his subordinate is known as

(a) Traditional

(b) Coercion

(c) Rational-legal

(d) Legal

36. Who among the following has criticised Weber’s bureaucracy on the ground that ‘rules may not follow the entire situation; it may create inefficiency in the organisation’?

(a) R.K. Merton

(b) T. Parson

(c) E. Goffman

(d) G.C. Homans

37. Panchayati Raj system is based on the principle of

(a) Administration through government officials

(b) Effective central administration for improvement of villages

(c) Democratic decentralization of administration

(d) Rule of law through Panchayats

38. According to C.W. Mills, elite comprise of those who hold________ in an institutional hierarchy.

(a) Military power

(b) Political power

(c) Command posts

(d) Money power

39. An authority is

(a) Same as power

(b) Power through coercion

(c) Legitimized power

(d) Absolute power

40. Who defines social power as the determination of the behaviour of others in accordance with one’s own ends?

(a) Moore

(b) K. Davis

(c) T. Parsons

(d) R.K. Merton

41. In early twentieth century the radical leadership brought politics to our people because

(a) They were radical

(b) They were popular ladder of the masses

(c) They belonged to different parts of the country

(d) They drew upon the cultural heritage

42. Who among the following was the chief exponent of the patriarchal theory of the origin of the state?

(a) Hobbes

(b) Rousseau

(c) Locke

(d) Sir. H. Maine

43. The Systematic Theory of Social Contract was first given by

(a) W. Pareto

(b) E. Durkheim

(c) Rousseau

(d) Hobbes

44. Name the book of Thomas Hobbes where he has given the theory of social contract,

(a) ‘Politics’

(b) Leviathan’

(c) ‘The Social Contract’

(d) ‘People’

45. The members of Zila Parishad are indirectly elected for a period of

(a) 2 years

(b) Five years

(c) 7 years

(d) One year

46. ‘The state is the march of God on earth.” This statement belongs to

(a) A. Comte

(b) Le Play

(c) Hegel

(d) J.S. Mills

47. “The most important outward factor in the formation of nationalities is the state.” To whom do you attribute these words?

(a) Hans Kohn

(b) H. Laski

(c) Edward Syd

(d) Aristotle

48. State is supreme but not without limitations. Which of the following cannot be done by it?

(a) Fix the strength of the army

(b) Discipline public opinion

(c) To punish the people who do not follow rules of law

(d) Destroy all such people, whom it considers superfluous

49. In a democracy, education must be regarded as

(a) A social function

(b) An individual concern

(c) Parents concern

(d) A state function

50. Who among the following believe that the state should not be passive but an active spectator in regulating the life of the citizens?

(a) Fascists

(b) Democrats

(c) Socialist

(d) Individualists

51. What differentiates nation from other groups?

(a) Common territory

(b) Common pattern of living

(c) Common sentiment

(d) Political independence

52. Which of the following is not a compulsory function of the state?

(a) To protect the lives of the citizens

(b) To maintain law and order in the state

(c) To protect the citizens from external aggression

(d) To establish diplomatic missions abroad

53. Who among the following believe that the state is only a necessary evil?

(a) Individualists

(b) Socialists

(c) Marxists

(d) Fascists

54. A system of government in which real power is vested in the hands of an elected head of the state is known as

(a) Elected monarchy

(b) Absolute monarchy

(c) Presidential form of government

(d) Parliamentary form of government

55. The concept of________ is at the centre of the treatment of politics.

(a) Profit

(b) Power

(c) Wealth

(d) Prestige



2. (a)

3. (c)

4. (c)


6. (a)

7. (d)


9. (d)

10. (a)


12. (a)

13. (a)

14. (d)

15. (a)

16. (d)

17. (d)

18. (c)

19. (a)

20. (c)

21. (c)

22. (a)

23. (b)

24. (b)

25. (a)

26. (a)

27. (c)

28. (a)

29. (a)

30. (a)


32. (b)

33. (b)

34. (c)

35. (c)

36. (a)

37. (c)

38. (c)

39. (c)

40. (b)


42. (d)

43. (d)

44. (b)

45. (a)

46. (a)

47. (a)

48. (d)

49. (a)

50. (a)


52. (d)

53. (a)

54. (c)

55. (b)