51. The middle class of medieval times mostly comprised of

(a) The capitalists

(b) Tradesman

(c) The elite people


(d) The lower class people

52. According to Marx which of the following best sums up the individual’s class positions in society?

(a) It is primary social category determines everything for the individual

(b) It is the most basic social category the individual occupies


(c) It is something an individual cannot escape from since it determine individual’s socialization and set perspectives from which he sees society and his place in it.

(d) All the above

53. Oppenheimer was of view that social stratification can be traced in

(a) The tribal identity


(b) Inter-familial relations

(c) The conquest, one group by the oil

(d) Intra-familial relations

54. 1 No great and permanent divisions of class appeared so long as a peaceful mode of was maintained’. This statement may attributed to


(a) Oppenheim

(b) C. North

(c) K. Davis

(d) Gumplowitz:


55. Which of the following trends in mode society has been largely responsible for bringing about what Marx has predicted about the ultimate fate of the capitalism?

(a) The greater economic role of the government

(b) The rise of the big corporation

(c) Formation of labour unions


(d) All the above

56. Taboos of non-permission or inter-marriage and free mixing up with the members of or a classes, sometimes point to the

(a) Antagonism prevalent amongst the classes

(b) Ritual purity of the classes

(c) Inferiority complex present in the Iowa classes.

(d) Demand of a particular economic system

57. M.G. Smith’s approach to the study of stratification may be criticized on the grown that

(a) It is applicable only to highly industrialized societies

(b) Priestly ordinances

(c) It ignores the role of voluntary association in modern Industrial society

(d) It does not see social inequality as a universal phenomenon

58. Some individuals and groups are rated higher in society because

(a) They belong to higher castes

(b)They are considered to be basically good

(c) They enjoy opportunities and privileges which others seldom enjoys

(d) They had a good class relation

59. Which aspect of the caste is most repugnant in modern times?

(a) Endogamy

(b)Hereditary occupation

(c) Untouchability

(d) Wide differences in opportunities for advancement

60. In terms of social stratification systems, India is a good example of a society in which most social positions are

(a) Guided by the conditions of industrial life.

(b) Ascribed

(c) Achieved

(d) Guided by the legal and democratic system

61. Social Stratification

(a) Is an unavoidable phenomenon

(b) Weakens existing social structure

(c) Causes social disintegration

(d) Gives support to untouchability

62. Which among the following statement regarding Social Stratification is incorrect?

(a) Social stratification exist in all societies

(b) Communication eliminates social stratification

(c) Social stratification is a functional necessity

(d) Industrial revolution brought a new type of social stratification

63. Economic determinism as an approach to Social Stratification was first applied by

(a) Max Weber

(b) Karl Marx

(c) L. Warner

(d) Raymond Aron

64. The ‘Guild’ of the medieval times comprised the people who belonged to the class of

(a) Aristocracy

(b) Wealthy

(c) Middle class merchants

(d) Artisans living in towns who were not within the control of the feudal lords.

65. For Marx, the final stage of class consciousness is reached

(a) When people realizes their position

(b) When members realize that only by collective action can they overthrow the ruling class?

(c) When people starts thinking alike

(d) When inter group solidarity develops

66. The most notable contribution to the study of Social Stratification has been given by

(a) Max Weber

(b) Kingsley Davis and T. Parsons

(c) T. Parsons and Marx

(d) Karl Marx and Max Weber

67. When a class is somewhat extremely hereditary, it is called

(a) Class

(b) Caste

(c) Clergy

(d) Kingship

68. ‘A process whereby increasing numbers of manual workers are entering in the middle stratum and becoming middle class’- this process is known as

(a) Universalization

(b) Embourgeoisement

(c) Homogenization

(d) Proletearisation

69. Who among the following enjoys prestige?

(a) A stock broker

(b) A wealthy business man

(c) A physician in private practice

(d) A magistrate

70. Who were of the opinion that “social equality is a dream”?

(a) Pareto

(b) Mosca

(c) Gouldner

(d) K. Davis

71. According to Max Weber, basis of stratification are

(a) Authority, power, coercion

(b) Power, status, wealth

(c) Class, status, power

(d) Class, status, authority

72. A working man is allowed to enter the capitalist class even now, through

(a) The big investment of money

(b) Bring related to a capitalist

(c) Bring a member of high caste

(d) A spirit of enterprise

73. In the west, the shift in the emphasis from ascribed to achieved criteria came about as a result of

(a) Domination of Catholic Church

(b) Reformation and renaissance

(c) The rise of industrialism and the social institution associated with it

(d) Europeans contact with the undeveloped nation, as a result of imperialism

74. Who among the following have talked about ‘effective role allocation and performance’ while discussing stratification?

(a) Davis and Moore

(b) Maclver and Page

(c) Park and Burgess

(d) Linton and Merton

75. Any portion of community marked off from the rest by social status is a

(a) Varna

(b) Gotra

(c) Caste

(d) Social class

76. Max Weber’s analysis of social stratification systems focused on

(a) The relation of the individual to the process and means of production

(b) The economic, social, and political determinants of power

(c) Types of authority based on the system of legitimacy

(d) Persons who follow protestant ethics and who do not

77. While dealing with the problem of social Stratification M.G. Smith has cautioned sociologists to

(a) Pay attention to observable inequalities that are institutionalized

(b) Pay close attention to societies that do not have favored positions.

(c) Be careful in asserting that simple inequality is inevitable on the grounds of biological differences since these grounds are not by themselves sufficient evidence of stratification

(d) Ignore the overemphasis sometimes given to the principles by which the distribution of access and opportunities is regulated

78. According to Weber, in caste societies, it is the distinction of_____ that is the basis of group formation.

(a) Power

(b) Class

(c) Status

(d) Occupation

79. As compared to Marx’s analysis, Weber’s analysis of social stratification is

(a) Simple

(b) Exhaustive

(c) More complex and diversified

(d) Ambiguous

80. ‘Stratification is an inevitable part of all human societies. If value consensus is an essential component of all societies, then it follows that some form of stratification will result from the ranking of individuals in terms of common value.’ Whose opinion is this?

(a) K. Marx

(b) K. Davis

(c) M. Tumin

(d) T. Parsons

81. Nesfield was of the opinion that the Indian caste system originated from

(a) Different occupation

(b) Racial differences

(c) Varna division

(d) Brahmanical supremacy

82. The concept of ‘Dominant Caste’ was propounded by

(a) T.B. Bottomore

(b) M.N. Srinivas

(c) A. Beteille

(d) G.S. Ghurye

83.’A stratification system is based on permanent, hereditary groupings. It is normatively closed and status is assigned by ascription’. Identify.

(a) Estate system

(b) Priestly system

(c) Caste system

(d) Close system

84. The type of stratification system in which ‘social position is based on relationship to land, birth and military strength’ is called

(a) Estate system

(b) Land lords

(c) Baron

(d) Dukes

85. Large agricultural holdings characterized by extreme dependency of the peasant on the landowner are called

(a) Estate

(b) State

(c) Latifundia

(d) Agrarian relation



52. (d)

53. (c)

54. (b)

55. (d)

56. (b)

57. (b)

58. (c)

59. (c)

60. (b)


62. (b)

63. (b)

64. (d)

65. (b)

66. (d)

67. (b)

68. (b)

69. (d)

70. (c)


72. (d)

73. (c)


75. (d)

76. (c)

77. (c)

78. (c)

79. (c)

80. (d)


82. (b)

83. (c)

84. (a)

85. (c)