56. “Power is determination of behaviour of others in accordance with one’s own ends” was stated by

(a) K. Davis

(b) Pareto

(c) Weber


(d) Maclver

57. In a simple society most effective check on the authority used to be

(a) Magic

(b) Religion


(c) Social

(d) Education

58. Rights which are given to the citizen is by the constitution but which cannot be touched by the state is known as

(a) Legal rights


(b) Moral rights

(c) Political rights

(d) Fundamental rights

59. In a simple society it was believed that the monarch was


(a) The eldest person in the kingdom

(b) The most religious minded person in the state

(c) The most social and socialized and cultured person in the kingdom

(d) The representative of God on earth


60. Historical analysis indicates that early kings were

(a) Priests

(b) Intellectual

(c) Warlords


(d) Democrats

61. A person with strong personal magnetism who attracts devoted follower is said to be

(a) Magnetic

(b) Charismatic

(c) Handsome

(d) Knowledgeable

62. A political system which allows free economic competition without any interference from the state is known as

(a) Individualism

(b) Socialism

(c) Capitalism

(d) Absolutism

63. According to Pareto, all elites

(a) Decay in quality

(b) Increase their quality

(c) Become more stable with the lapse of time

(d) Gradually gain power

64. Nuer of Sudan stands as an example of

(a) Classless political system

(b) Acephalous political system

(c) Democratic political system

(d) Age based political system

65. Who has expounded the Theory of the General Will’ as the origin of state?

(a) Rousseau

(b) Montesquieu

(c) Machiavelli

(d) M. Weber

66. A Society is called stateless if it

1. It has simple economy

2. It has no rigid boundary or permanent physical territory

3. It follows oral traditions, and the bureaucratic aspect is absent from it

4. There is no fixed rigidly spell out ideology

(a) 2 and 3

(b) 2, 3 and 4

(c) 2 only

(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4

67. There are three sources of knowledge about simple societies without government. Which of the following is not one of them?

(a) Archaeological records about stateless societies

(b) Monographs written by anthropologists

(c) Ethnographical studies by anthropo­logists

(d) Literature produced by missionaries, travellers and administrators

68. Which among the following societies has specific political organisation?

(a) Bushman of South Africa

(b) Jarwa of Andaman Islands

(c) Dinka of Southern Sudan

(d) Some of the people of Southeast Asia

69. Government by discussion means

(a) All have to observe customary rules

(b) All have to get socialised

(c) All have to do some discussion

(d) First a sacred hymn pronounced and then law have to be defined accordingly

70. The book ‘Politics, Law and Ritual in Tribal Society’ is written by

(a) Evans – Pritchard

(b) Max Gluckman

(c) Radcliffe Brown

(d) B. Malinowski

71. Which of the following are stateless tribes of India?

1. Santhal

2. Oraon

3. Bhil

4. Toda


(a) 1, 2, 3

(b) 3 and 2

(c) 1, 2 and 3

(d) 1 and 2

72 “Larger the surplus more developed was the state in India” is the view of

(a) Karl Marx

(b) Amalendu Guha

(c) Evans – Pritchard

(d) G.S. Ghurye

73. ‘Distinctions of ranks, status or occupation operate independently of differences of wealth’ in African Society is by

(a) Radcliffe Brown

(b) Seligman

(c) Fortes and Evans Pritchard

(d) Levi – Strauss

74. Who among the following has observed that Shilluk king reigned but did not govern?

(a) Evans – Pritchard

(b) M. Fortes

(c) A. Southall

(d) H. Kuper

75. Whom of the following holds that ‘the chiefdom is a development of the tribal system to a higher level of integration’?

(a) G.S. Ghurye

(b) M. Fortes

(c) Surjit Sinha

(d) Evans – Pritchard

76. In some cases, the need to acquire a king of the appropriate status is so strong that persons of royal origin are stolen and reared to become rulers. Who have given this account in his book?

(a) Mahapatra

(b) Abul-Fazal

(c) Kautilya

(d) Megasthenes

77. A form of Authority, in which the scope of authority is not clearly specified, rather it subsumes all kind of protective measures and cares of his people. This type of authority is propounded by

(a) C.W. Mills

(b) R. Dahrendorf,

(c) Dahl

(d) Max Weber

78.”The Pata-rani or senior most queens was held in the highest affection and solicitousness by the tribal people as their mother and she looked after the tribesmen as her children.” Who said this?

(a) Max Weber

(b) Mahapatra

(c) A. Guha

(d) S. Sinha

79. Quite often ruler selects men from among his kinsmen for higher posts. Which among the following may be example of this?

1. Meitei of Manipur, India

2. Khond of Orissa, India

3. Southern Bantu states, such as Suazi, Africa.

4. Bhil of M.P., India


(a) 1, 2, 3 and 4

(b) 1 only

(c) 1 and 3

(d) 1 and 2

80. Among the following, who instituted Centralised Political Authority by peaceful means among uncentralised tribals?

(a) Nuer of Sudan

(b) Alur of Western Uganda

(c) Masai of Kenya

(d) Khond of Orissa

81. The conquest type, also known as ‘Secondary State’ emerges after

(a) The King became too powerful

(b) Smaller political units were conquered by more powerful people

(c) People overthrew the corrupt king

(d) The King of another neighbouring kingdom died.

82. The basis of legitimacy of power in a primary state is rooted in its.

(a) King’s ability

(b) Indigenous tribe

(c) Indigenous tradition

(d) Subjects adherence towards king

83. Who has shown that a political authority in Asiatic societies has to be coupled with religious sanction in order to gain legitimacy?

(a) Kautilya

(b) K. Marx

(c) Wittfogel (d) Abul-Fazal

84. It can be said that in India and perhaps also in ________ the political role of the priestly class has shaped political thought and religion.

(a) Byzatium

(b) Byzatium, the Inca Empire and Ancient Egypt

(c) China and Mesopotamia

(d) China and Japan

85. The term ‘Legitimacy’ stands for

(a) Attachment

(b) Coercion

(c) Lawfulness

(d) Absolute power

86. Absolute ruler, tyrant and an oppressor may be termed as

(a) Cunning

(b) Fascist

(c) Dictator

(d) Despot

87. The political system of modern society can be best described in terms of

1. Ideology

2. Structure

3. Function

4. Process

5. Basis of legitimacy

(a) 1 and 2

(b) 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

(c) 1, 4 and 5

(d) 2, 3 and 5

88. Depending upon the political culture and orientations of political elites, political structures may be divided into the

1. Traditional oligarchies

2. Totalitarian oligarchies

3. Modernizing oligarchies

4. Tutelary democracies

5. Political democracies

(a) 1, 3 and 5

(b) 1 and 5

(c) 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

(d) 3 and 5

89. A political system usually performs some well defined functions. The major functions of a political system may be categorised into two broad headings. They are

(a) Function and dysfunction

(b) Structure and function

(c) Input and output function

(d) Political and economic function

90. The input functions of political system are

1. Interest articulation

2. Political socialization and recruitment

3. Interest aggregation

4. Political communication

(a) 2 and 3

(b) 2, 3 and 4

(c) 1, 2 and 3

(d) 1, 2, 3 4

91. Which of the following is not an output function of political system?

(a) Rule making

(b) Rule application

(c) Rule adjudication

(d) Rule rejection

92. People who have excelled themselves in the field of their activity: social, political, economics, religion, etc. are called

(a) Superior

(b) Authority

(c) Elite

(d) Powerful

93. Which of the following is Governmental Organisation that enables the state to function in modern societies?

1. Executive

2. Legislature

3. Judiciary

4. Bureaucracy

(a) 1, 3 and 4

(b) 1, 2, 3 and 4

(c) 3 and 4

(d) 2 and 3

94. Which of the following is not non­governmental organisations that enable the state of function in modern societies?

(a) Political parties

(b) The press

(c) Interest groups

(d) All India public services

95. Democracy can be safeguarded by

(a) Strong military power

(b) Vigilant bureaucracy

(c) Strong executive

(d) Vigilant citizenry

96. Who among the following has proposed the ‘Constant Sum’ concept of power?

(a) Max Weber

(b) Karl Marx

(c) R. Dahrendorf

(d) L. Coser

97. Who has proposed the ‘Variable Sum’ concept of power?

(a) T. Parsons

(b) Karl Marx

(c) L. Coser

(d) R. Dahrendorf

98. Amount of power in society is measured by the degree to which collective goals are realized. This view is known as the

(a) Constant sum concept of power

(b) Societal power

(c) Power of welfare

(d) Variable sum concept of power

99. From a Marxian perspective, the use of power to exploit others is defined as

(a) Exploitation

(b) Poverty

(c) Coercion

(d) Legitimacy

100. From a Marxian perspective, the source of power in society lies in the

(a) Exploitation

(b) Coercion

(c) Economic infrastructure

(d) Revolution

101. A person who is overly concerned with vocational security, excessive methodical, more concerned with rules than organisational goal and unimaginative in solving problems is known as

(a) Marginal man

(b) Bureaucratic personality

(c) Organisational man

(d) Organisational personality

102. The concept of ‘bureaucratic personality’ is propounded by

(a) T. Parsons

(b) M. Dijlas

(c) R.K. Merton

(d) Max Weber

103. According to T. Parsons the function of state and government is to help individual

(a) To establish his/her family

(b) To develop his/her economy

(c) To attain his/her goal

(d) To integrate an individual into broader society

104. Democratic Socialism is a

(a) Democratically elected socialist government.

(b) Compromise between the capitalist and socialist model

(c) Permitting mass movement in socialist countries

(d) Allowing democrats to take participation in proceeding of parliament of socialist countries

105. Force may be defined as

(a) Latent power

(b) Manifest power

(c) Authority

(d) Coercion

106. Authority is always attached to statuses and never to

(a) Roles

(b) Individuals

(c) Power

(d) Coercion

107. Who among the following considers “Bureaucracy itself as a cause for the downfall of capitalism”?

(a) Dijlas

(b) M. Weber

(c) R.K. Merton

(d) Karl Marx

108. Which is not necessarily a dictatorship, even though it has a single ruler?

(a) State system

(b) Capitalist system

(c) Socialist system

(d) Fascism

109. Imposition of power by a small group of people over a large number of people is called

(a) Monopoly

(b) Will

(c) Coercion

(d) Hegemony

110. The process of development of national identity is called

(a) Identity

(b) Nationality

(c) Nation building

(d) National development

111. The political process which reconcile divergent political interests is

(a) Diplomacy

(b) Balance of opinion

(c) Politics

(d) Politics of reconciliation

112. The book ‘Politics in India’ is written by

(a) Satyendra Kishore

(b) Rajni Kothari

(c) PC. Mathur

(d) K.R. Bombwall

113. Supra-state regionalism is

(a) Regionalism which is confined to a state

(b) Regionalism between one state and another

(c) Regionalism which goes beyond one or two states where interest of one group of states conflict with the interests of another group.

(d) Inter-continental regionalism

114. Sub-regionalism is

(a) Desire of one part of a state for self identity and self development

(b) Emotional identification of people of a state

(c) Desire for the unity and development expressed by people of a group of states

(d) District development

115. Which among the following perspectives maintains that power is dispersed among a variety of groups in society?

(a) Pluralist

(b) Structure – functionalist

(c) Marxism

(d) Interactionist

116. Pluralism is a theory which claims to explain the nature and distribution of power in

(a) East European socialist societies

(b) Western democratic society

(c) Indian society

(d) Plural society’

117. Democracy in a complex society may be defined as a political system which supplies regular constitutional opportunities for changing the governing officials, and a social mechanism which permits the largest possible part of the population to influence major decisions by choosing among contenders for political office. Who said this ?

(a) R. Dahl

(b) Bryan Wilson

(c) Lipset

(d) Bendix

118. Who had suggested that the members of working class were unfit to vote?

(a) Pareto

(b) Karl Marx

(c) M. Weber

(d) Mosca

119. Which perspective sees democracy as a system of government which provides for members of society to organise in the defence and promotion of their interests?

(a) Interactionist

(b) Pluralist

(c) Structuralist

(d) Functionalism

120. Which among the following statements is not true?

(a) Both political science and sociology study political institutions

(b) Their methods differ

(c) Political science studies political institutions in their totality

(d) Sociology studies politics in isolation

121. Who among the following have done significant work in developing Political Sociology as a special subject?

(a) Hobhouse and Michael

(b) Pareto and Max Weber

(c) Lipset and Coser

(d) C.W. Mills and T. Parsons

122. The state originated as the result of economic structure, classes and their mutual conflicts.” Who holds this?

(a) Marx and Weber

(b) Marx and Morgan

(c) Marx and H. Spencer

(d) Marx and T. Veblen

123. Before the supremacy of the parliament in England, the French Revolution and the propounding of the social contract theory till the seventeenth century, it was believed that the state and monarchy were created by

(a) General people

(b) Nobles and clergy

(c) King and Queen

(d) Divine law

124. There cannot be any politics among equal individuals. This is the view of

(a) C.W. Mills (b) Max Weber (c) Karl Marx (d) R. Dahrendorf

125. Which of the following is not true?

(a) The communist party of India was established in 1924

(b) It was influenced by Marxist ideology

(c) Communist party claim to protect the interest of peasants and workers

(d) The congress socialist party was established in 1974

126. The pressure group mainly concentrates itself towards

(a) Demonstration

(b) Retaliation and resistance

(c) Revolution

(d) Appeasement

127. The means of studying power or status that asks people to identify others as influential members of the group, community, organisation and so on’ is called?

(a) Social scale method

(b) Bogardus scale

(c) Reputational method

(d) Guttmann method

128. ‘The means of studying power or status that identifies influences by actual activity in specific decision – making cases’ is called

(a) Decision-making method

(b) Bogardus Scale

(c) Sociometry

(d) Interactional method

129. Who had studied municipal elections in the town of Dewas, and found that political party and its units were main bases of support for one of the candidates, and the management of local leaders and their kinsmen for the other?

(a) Adrian Mayer

(b) Robert G. Wirsing

(c) A. Gupta

(d) Rosenthal

130. Who among the following has traced the connection between the integrity of statesmen and their social circumstances, holding that a degree of social isolation is necessary to protect the philosopher guardians of an ideal state from the temptations and involvement of ordinary men?

(a) Locke

(b) T. Parsons

(c) D. Ricardo

(d) Plato

131. Who among the following studied the degeneration of forms of government and stressed the need for a middle class as a stabilizing force in the political order?

(a) Karl Marx

(b) Max Weber

(c) Aristotle

(d) C.W. Mills

132. Government must rest on a social bond between rulers and ruled. Who holds this?

(a) T. Hobbes

(b) Rousseau

(c) Machiavelli

(d) Plato

133. Who among the following has suggested that members of society can be divided into four categories in terms of their degree of political participation?

(a) C.W. Mills

(b) Lester Milbrath

(c) W. Pareto

(d) Mosca

134. According to Lester Milbrath gladiatorial activities comprise of

(a) Standing for and holding public and party offices

(b) Contributing for political parties financially and physically

(c) Taking part in debate and confrontation on behalf of party

(d) Voting and taking part in discussion about politics

135. Which among the following is not correct?

(a) Various studies have shown that political participation is directly proportional to income level

(b) Men are likely to have higher levels of participation than women

(c) Young person’s participate more than middle aged and old aged

(d) Married people participate more than single people

136. Individuals are unlikely to have high levels of political participation if they believe that the outcome of events will be satisfactory without their involvement. Who has suggested this?

(a) C.W. Mills

(b) R. Dahl

(c) B. Wilson

(d) Lester Milbrath

137. Who has written the book “The White Umbrella: lndian Political thought from Manu to Gandhi”?

(a) B.R. Ambedkar

(b) Jyotiba Phule

(c) D.M. Brown

(d) Mountbatten

138. Which book has a good account of the influence of factions, caste and other forces upon state politics?

(a) Social structure

(b) Factional politics in an Indian state. The congress party in Uttar Pradesh

(c) Indian social structure

(d) Caste and politics: A case study of Tamil Nadu Assembly

139. The Government and politics of India’ is the work of

(a) Morris Jones

(b) Paul R. Brass

(c) Oscar Lewis

(d) T.B. Bottomore

140. When a caste is numerically the strongest in the village or local area and economically and politically strong exercises a preponderating influence. This is termed as

(a) Dominant caste

(b) Caste superiority

(c) Caste supremacy

(d) Caste dominance

141. Which among the following does not account for regional variation in dominant caste?

(a) The degree to which a single large land holding caste controls a set of dependent castes

(b) Rigidity of caste ranking

(c) The existence of two or more dominant caste group in a region

(d) Flexibility of caste ranking

142. Who among the following has defined caste association as “Para communities which enable members of castes to pursue social mobility political power, and economic advantage.”?

(a) M.N. Srinivas

(b) Y. Singh

(c) Rudolph and Rudolph

(d) Max Weber

143. The caste associations are more like the __________ found in industrially advanced societies.

(a) Pressure group

(b) Organisation

(c) Party

(d) Interest group

144. The book ‘Caste in Indian Politics’ is written by

(a) M.N. Srinivas

(b) F.G. Bailey

(c) Rajni Kothari

(d) Andre Beteille

145. The book The Modernity of Tradition political Development in India’ is written by

(a) Rudolph and Rudolph

(b) M.N. Srinivas

(c) F.G. Bailey

(d) A. Beteille

146. Arguing with Weber, who has said that communist bureaucracy is as privileged as the capitalist class, on the basis of its monopoly of power?

(a) M. Djilas

(b) R. Dahrendorf

(c) K. Marx

(d) Marshal Sahlens



57. (b)

58. (d)

59. (d)

60. (c)

61. (b)

62. (c)

63. (a)

64. (b)

65. (a)

66. (d)

67. (c)

68. (c)

69. (d)

70. (b)

71. (c)

72. (b)

73. (c)

74. (a)

75. (c)

76. (a)

77. (d)

78. (b)

79. (c)

80. (b)


82. (c)

83. (c)

84. (b)

85. (c)

86. (d)

87. (b)

88. (c)

89. (c)

90. (d)


92. (c)

93. (b)

94. (d)

95. (d)

96. (a)

97. (a)

98. (d)

99. (c)

100. (c)


102. (c)

103. (c)

104. (b)

105. (b)

106. (b)

107. (d)

108. (a)

109. (d)

110. (c)


112. (b)

113. (c)

114. (a)

115. (a)

116. (b)

117. (c)

118. (d)

119. (b)

120. (d)


122. (c)

123. (d)

124. (a)

125. (d)

126. (b)


128. (a)

129. (a)

130. (d)


132. (a)

133. (b)

134. (a)

135. (c)

136. (b)

137. (c)

138. (b)

139. (a)

140. (a)


142. (c)

143. (d)

144. (c)

145. (a)

146. (a)