1. Time of Practice

Yoga can be practiced at any time of the day except after meals (minimum 4hours gap). The best time, however, is the two hours before and including sunrise.

2. Place of practice:

Practice in a well-ventilated room or outdoors where surroundings are pleasant, it may be a beautiful garden with trees and flowers. Lea with asthma or other breathing problems should practice under roof.


3 Yoga mat:

Use a folded blanket of natural material for the practices as this will act an insulator between the body and the earth.

4. Clothing:

During practice, it is betterto wear loose, light and comfortable clothing.m of cotton. In the pictures of this book the drees used is to show the acuracy of postures; so for regular practice one should use the appropriate clothing. Bathing: Though it is not mandatory to take a cold shower before starting but it greatly improves the effect of the asana.


5. Emptying the bowels:

The bladder and intestine should preferably be empty befo starting the session of asana and pranayama

6. Empty stomach:

The stomach should be empty while doing asana and to ensure this, one should practice after three or four hours of meal.


7. Approach to practice:

There is a proper manner to approach any practice, so it most important to follow the guidelines on how to start the practice and how o gradually moves to the final position.

8. Release:

To release the posture one should not be careless; otherwise the alignm of the body may be disturbed. There may be strain on the ligaments, so it is equal important how to release the final posture.


9. Holding time:

Hold the final position of any asana till you feel comfortable and the release it. Try not to hold the posture while body is undergoing pain or discomfort. Flexibility: Flexibility differs from the person to person. Please do not compare will others and allow yourself .to increase the flexibility slowly and gradually. That is re flexibility. So avoid overstraining and jerky movements. Breathing: Always breathe through the nose unless specific instructions are give Try to coordinate the breath with the asana practice.

10. Awareness:

It is essential that the practice of asana and all other yoga practices should be done with awareness. The purpose of asana is to influence, integrate and harmonies all the levels of being, physical, panic, mental, emotional, psychic and spiritual. At first it may appear that asanas are merely concerned with the physical level because they deal with the movement of different parts of the body. While practicing the awareness can be on the physical movements, coordination of breath, mental counting, and movement of energy in body and the corresponding thoughts and feelings awareness is an essential component of practice for receiving optimum benefits. As you become familiar with any practice, perform it with eyes closed (unless there is specific instruction to keep the eyes open) to develop better awareness.


11 Relaxation:

It is important to relax during asana practice, especially when feeling physically or mentally tired. It can be done in savasana, makarasana or any other relaxation posture.

12 Counter pose:

Counter pose is necessary to bring the body back to a balanced state. Specific counter poses are recommended for certain asanas described in this book. Backward bends are followed by forward bends and vice versa, and whatever is practiced on one side of the body is repeated on the other side. When practicing a particular asana for therapeutic reasons, a counter pose may not be needed.


13 No straining:

Never exert undue force while doing asanas. Beginners may find their muscles stiff at first, but after several weeks of regular practice they will be surprised to find that their muscles are suppler.

14 Termination of asana:

If there is excessive pain in any part of the body the asana should be terminated immediately and, if necessary, medical advice may be sought. One should not stay in an asana if discomfort is felt. Consult a yoga teacher if necessary

15 Sequence:

asana should be done first, followed by pranayama, then pratyahara and dharana which lead to meditation.

16 Diet:

Yoga does not say that a vegetarian diet is essential although in the It stages of practice it is recommended. At meal times it is advised to half fill stomach with food, one quarter with water and leave the remaining quarter e Water should be taken one hour after food.

17, Age limitations:

asana can be practiced by people of all age groups. Begin should learn from an expert.

18. Inverted asana:

Do not practice any inverted asana if there is aciding, if the b is excessively impure, during menstruation and pregnancy.

19. Menstruation:

It is better to avoid practicing asana and pranayama du menstruation:

20. Caution

People with fractured bones or who are suffering from chronic ailments and diseases such as stomach ulcer, tuberculosis or hernia, and those recovering from operations, should consult a yoga expert or doctor before commencing any yogic practices