Tag Archives | works

Essay on the Life and Works of Gandhi

It is needless to point out that Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) is so familiar a name that an Indian student does not need any formal introduction on him. He is the Father of our Nation and fondly known as Bapuji.

By |2011-05-25T06:40:57+00:00May 25, 2011|Essay|Comments Off on Essay on the Life and Works of Gandhi

Notes on the Life and Works of Jawaharlal Nehru

Jawaharlal Nehru (1889-1964), the First Prime Minister of Independent India was one of the greatest statesmen of the world. He was also one of the chief architects of modern India. History of modern India cannot be written without reference to him.

By |2011-05-25T06:40:57+00:00May 25, 2011|Essay|Comments Off on Notes on the Life and Works of Jawaharlal Nehru

Which type of water is most suitable for Laundry works?

It is necessary for human beings to wear clean clothes, as social clothes give unpleasantness and may also harbor germs in the skin. Therefore, clothes should always be clean, which requires some technical knowledge.

By |2011-05-21T00:36:07+00:00May 21, 2011|Articles|Comments Off on Which type of water is most suitable for Laundry works?

How the Circulatory System of human body works?

The volume of blood in our body is limited, but it has to perform unlimited work continuously. This leads to one conclusion that, the same quantity of blood must be used over and over again. In other words, blood must circulate.

By |2011-05-17T15:34:00+00:00May 17, 2011|Biology|Comments Off on How the Circulatory System of human body works?

How the Digestive system of human body works?

Man is an active being. In order to carry out his activity, he has to get energy; this energy is secured by the food he takes. Food is converted into energy, through digestion and assimilation. This process is carried out by the digestive system.

By |2011-05-17T15:34:00+00:00May 17, 2011|Biology|Comments Off on How the Digestive system of human body works?

What is tabulation ?

The systematic and orderly arrangement of facts and figures in columns and rows is called tabulation. The horizontal arrangements are called rows and the vertical arrangements are called columns. The followings are the different parts of a statistical table:-

By |2011-01-06T18:31:12+00:00January 6, 2011|Business|Comments Off on What is tabulation ?

How Classical Conditioning Works?

The principle of classical conditioning was discovered by the Russian physiologist, I.P. Pavlov (1849-1936), while he was investigating the way the body digests food. Pavlov won Nobel Prize for his work on digestive system.

By |2011-01-03T09:32:26+00:00January 3, 2011|Psychology|Comments Off on How Classical Conditioning Works?
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