The statesmen of Europe at Congress of Vienna united Holland and Belgium with a view to guard lower Rhine against France. This was not a wise decision because the Dutch and the Belgians were really speaking two different languages. From the very beginning the Belgians began to nourish a feeling that the Dutch were virtually dominating them because they not only controlled most of the important government position but also tried to impose Dutch language.

After the Revolution of 1830 in France, the Belgians made a bid to assert their independence and adopted a constitution which provided for a King and a legislature to be elected by the wealthy and well-to-do people. Prince Leopold of Coburg was invited to become the king of new Belgian State.

The Dutch were not happy over these developments and tried to bring Belgians under their control. The Dutch even secured support from Prussia, Russia and Austria for this purpose. But before the Dutch King could succeed in his mission a revolt broke out in Poland in November 1830.

Further Louis Philippe of France threatened to help the Belgians if Russia and Prussia came to the rescue of Holland. England also did not want France to intervene and gain concessions in Belgium. Therefore, both England and France influenced King William of Holland to recognize independence of Belgium. These powers even succeeded in securing neutrality of Belgium.