Tag Archives | Secrets

Here are the 10 secret methods used by successful salesman’s for approaching their customers for making big deals

A good approach is one, which is characterized by the following essentials expected of an effective approach. These essentials are the tenets, which are aptly developed by Professors Russel, Beach and Buskisk.

By |2011-01-26T07:40:02+00:00January 26, 2011|Business|Comments Off on Here are the 10 secret methods used by successful salesman’s for approaching their customers for making big deals

10 powerful secrets of a successful salesman

Success in any line of human activity is not readymade; it does not fall from the open sky. Good deal of input is essential to have the output of higher degree of success. Very often a question is asked as to what does it take for success in selling. Learn the secrets of a successful salesman.

By |2011-01-17T10:51:45+00:00January 17, 2011|Business|Comments Off on 10 powerful secrets of a successful salesman
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