Tag Archives | habit

Essay – Get into the Habit of Looking Intensely at Words

Words are so common that we do not connect them with romance. Yet a little thought will show us how wonderful they are. Words are the tools of thought. This is true in two senses. First we think in words. It was only when man learnt to talk that he learnt to think; and we cannot do any con­nected thinking without words.

By |2011-04-01T14:30:00+00:00April 1, 2011|Essay|Comments Off on Essay – Get into the Habit of Looking Intensely at Words

527 words essay on Habit is second nature

It has been rightly said that habit is second nature. That is, what we do often today, we will soon begin to do always tomorrow, and thus the habit will grow to be a part of our natural self. For habit, whether good or bad, is the basis of character and a man is regarded by society according to his habits and disposition.

By |2011-03-17T17:45:57+00:00March 17, 2011|Essay|Comments Off on 527 words essay on Habit is second nature

Essay on Habit: Good servant but bad master

A habit is like a tree grown crouched. One cannot go to orchard and take hold of a tree grown such and straighten it and say now get straight and make it obey him. When one is young, he can acquire good or bad habits.

By |2011-03-02T18:49:01+00:00March 2, 2011|Essay|Comments Off on Essay on Habit: Good servant but bad master

Write a brief note about systematic position, habit, habitat of earthworm

Earthworm is a metamerrically segmented animal. There are about 500 species of pheretima and 13 of them are found in India. Earthworms live in a moist soil rich in dead organic matter or humus. They are abundantly found in old pastures, lawns and gardens. They live in a burrows and the burrows are flooded with water in rainy season; they leave the burrows and creep on the moist surface of the soil in order to respire in air.

By |2011-01-12T12:34:59+00:00January 12, 2011|Biology|Comments Off on Write a brief note about systematic position, habit, habitat of earthworm

Complete information on systematic position, habit, habitat and morphology of planaria

Duge sia is a non-parasitic or free living flatworm. It lives in fresh water ponds or streams. It is also found in vegetation. They are carnivorous that prey on smaller animals and feed on carrion (dead animals) and they are also canibalistic.

By |2011-01-12T12:31:51+00:00January 12, 2011|Biology|Comments Off on Complete information on systematic position, habit, habitat and morphology of planaria

Complete information on Systematic Position, Habit, Habitat and Morphology of Amoeba

Amoeba is the simplest and most primitive protista, which can perform all vital activities such as locomotion, nutrition, digestion etc. in a single cell. Hence, it is regarded as an a cellular animal. It was first discovered by Von Rosel Rosinhof, in 1755. Amoeba means changing in shape.

By |2011-01-12T11:53:53+00:00January 12, 2011|Biology|Comments Off on Complete information on Systematic Position, Habit, Habitat and Morphology of Amoeba
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