Scypha is a complex type of sponge. It is commonly called sycon. It is included in

Phylum – Porifera

Class – Calcarea

Order – Heterocoela


Genus – Scyplia (Sycon)

Habit and Habitat:

Sycon is a small marine sponge. It is attached to some submerged rocks. It is found in shallow water upto a depth of 90 m where the sponges get plenty of food and well oxygenated water.



Scypha has a vase-shaped body. It grows upon to 3 cm in length. One end is attached to substratum, while the free end bears a large opening called osculum fringe. This osculum fringe. This osculum fringe checks small animal from entering into the body. The body surface bears minute pores called ostia.

The ostia open into a large central cavity called spongocoel or paragastric cavity through a system of canals(Sycon type). Many spicules project from the surface of the body. At the attached end of the body one or more buds may arrive. Sycon is monoecious. It reproduces asexually by budding and sexually by ova and sperm. Fertilization is internal. Development includes a larvae stage called amphiblastula larva.