Tennis and badminton are similar games in many ways, but they are different in other ways. For example, both can be played indoors and outdoors. Tennis is different from badminton in which the length and width of singles court is 24 m x 8.26 m and 13.4 m x 5.18 m respectively.

In both the games, an object is hit. In the case of tennis, the object is a ball, while in the case of badminton it is a shuttlecock. These objects are hit by rackets. The dimension of tennis racket is 81 cm long and 32 cm wide. The dimension of badminton racket is somewhat smaller than this.

In both the games, the game begins with a service but the style of service is somewhat different. In tennis, the ball is hit overhead or underhand, while in badminton the shuttle is hit underhand only.

In both the cases, the object (ball/shuttle) is thrown to the opposite service court. In badminton, the service court is away from the net while in tennis it is adjacent to the net. In both the cases, the object is thrown in the diagonal court.


Each player or pair begins a game with no score in both the cases. In tennis the first point won by a side is scored as ‘15-love’. If the opposite side scores a point, it is ’15-all’. A side’s second point brings it score to 30, a third point to 40, and a fourth point wins the game, unless there is a ‘deuce’, which is called at ’40-all’. After ‘deuce’, the next point scored is ‘advantage’ to the side that won it. If the side with the advantage wins the next point, it wins the game. However, if the opposite side wins the next point the score returns to deuce: the game then continues until one side wins two consecutive points after a deuce.

In the game of badminton, if the server wins a stroke he wins a point. If he loses a stroke, service passes to his opponent. In a game of 15 points, the player who scores 15 points first wins the game. If both players have 13 or 14 each, the game goes to 18 or 17 points respectively.