472 words essay for students on Indian beggar

The Indian beggar is very persistent. Wherever you go he dogs you. You step to talk to a friend for a minute and he is there. You go to a shop to buy. Something and he is there too. There is no escape from him. He does not leave us in peace even in our home. He comes there to ask for alms. Beggars are found in temples and in mosques alike. In fact, they have become a great nuisance to the people. The question is how to get rid of them.

Broadly speaking there are two classes of beggars able bodied and the infirm and crippled. It is really very disgusting to see strong, sturdy men taking to begging and living on alms. They are parasitic and a curse to humanity. They do not deserve any pity, and should not be encouraged at all.

But we should help the disabled and the crippled. They truly deserve our help. Indiscriminate charity, however, does good neither to the man who gives it, not to the man who receives it.


It may, however, be pointed out that the Indian beggar is, on the whole, an object of pity. He has no means of earning his livelihood. He goes about clad in rags, and has no friend in the world. Lives by begging alms, which he hardly enjoys. There are very few people who welcome him. They mostly abuse him and treat him harshly, and turn him away from the door. It is only women who show him some pity. They give him a small coin or a crust of bread, or a rag to cover his nakedness.

On the whole, the lot of an Indian beggar is very hard. In winter, he often sleeps in the open and shivers in the cold; in summer he is tortured by the heat. He lives where he can and sleeps very often on the roadside. We should, therefore, pity the poor beggar. We should always give him something to eat, as it is better that a lazy scoundrel should get a little help rather than one case of genuine distress should go unrelieved.

The problem of beggars in India-Beggars are found everywhere in our country-at pilgrim centers, at street corners, at bus-stands, at railway stations, outside temples, gurud-waras, mosques and other places of worship. Most of these beggars are able bodied and quite fit for work. But they find it much easier to live idle lives. They live as unproductive life and are a parasite on society.

But who is to blame for this? Of course it is our social system. Many people don’t know what to do; they have not learnt any trade. There is too much exploitation in our society. Many are forced to remain unemployed. They lose all initiative and find begging an easy job.