Mesolithic tools are microliths (small stone tools). Blade, core, point, triangle, lunate and trapeze are the main types of tools. The blade, a specialized flake with parallel to sub-parallel to lateral edge, was used for cutting purposes.

Mesolithic blades were pro­duced by the technique of fluting. Some retouched blades, which were sharper and more effective than ordinary blades, have also been found. The core, usually cylindrical with fluting marks along its length, was another important tool.

The point, a broken blade in a triangular form, was used as arrowheads and spearheads. The triangle was used for cutting purposes and spearheads.

The lunate, a blade-like tool with one of the borders prepared by semi­circular retouching, was used to obtain concave cutting. The trapeze was another blade like tool used as arrowheads.


Instead of quartzite, the mesolithic people used chalcedony and other silicate varieties such as jasper, chart and blood stone, and even bones of wild animals to make their implements and weapons.