Noise pollution in India can be controlled by the following ways.

1. Properties

The two properties of noise are 1. loudness or intensity 2. fre­quency.

1. Loudness or intensity:


It depends on the amplitude of vibrations which initiated the noise. Loudness is measured in decibels (dB). The accepted noise level of bed room is 25 dB and that of class room is 30 to 40 db.

2. Frequency:

It is measured as Hertz (Hz). One Hz is equal to one wave per second. Human ear can hear frequencies from 20 to 20000Hz.

2. Evil effects of noise:


1. Auditory fatigue associated with whistling and buzzing in the ears.

2. Deafness which may be temporary or permanent

3. Speech interference due to noise produced by industries and also road and air traffic.

4. Annoyance which is a psychological response.


5. Decreased efficiency due to interference with mental concentration.

6. Physiological changes like rise in B.P, heart rate and respiratory rate. Also giddiness, nausea, fatigue and insomnia.

3. Noise control

1. Control at source: It can be done by segregating noisy machines and also by using mufflers or noise reducers.


2. Control of transmission by building enclosures and covering walls.

3. Protection of exposure by using ear plugs and ear muffs. Legislation to restrict the use of loud speakers etc.

5. Education through films and newspapers about the hazards of noise pollution.