England and France both were colonial powers in Europe and they established vast empires. In the beginning Bismarck did not take any interest in this phenomenon (the rise of colonialism) as he wanted to avoid any unpleasantness between France, England and Germany.

Therefore, he avoided the establishment of a colonial empire and preferred to make Germany a very dominant and powerful state in Europe. Once he declared about his colonial policy:

“Colonies will become a cause of weakness of Germany, because the colonies could be defended only by a strong navy. But the geographical position of Germany is such that it does not need to be a first-class naval power.

Many colonies have been offered to me but I have refused to accept them.” But gradually the circumstances began to change and he began to take interest in colonial expansion:


1. The German Nationalists began to demand the establishment of colonic^ as the establishment of colonies was supposed to be a symbol of glory.

2. The industrial position of Germany was not good. She needed raw materials for her factories and also required new markets for her manufactures and all these needs could be fulfilled only by the colonies.

3. Germany needed colonies to settle her increasing population.

4. The missionaries of Germany also needed new colonies to preach their religion.


Hence Bismarck could not avoid the call of the times and in 1884 Germany established a number of colonies in South-Western and Eastern Africa and when scramble for Africa took place, he got some colonies in various areas of Africa.

Thus we see, though Bismarck was disinterested in establishing the colonial empire, yet he was the first man who prepared Germany for taking part in colonial race and established colonies in different parts of Europe and Africa.