The big four nations had decided that:

(i) They would untidily oppose the attempts of Napoleon and his descendants to grab the throne of France.

(ii) They would take united action, if necessary, in order to prevent the expansion of the revolutionary feelings in the European countries.

(iii) The decisions of the Congress of Vienna would strictly be implemented in all countries of Europe.


(iv) Attempts would be made untidily for the maintenance of peace and order in Europe.

(v) They would give recognition to the Second Treaty of Paris.

(vi) They would solve the problems of European countries through the system of Congress.

The Quadruple Alliance was established for the fulfillment of the above objects. C. D. Hazen has rightly defined it as under:


“The other document, signed on November 20, 1815, by Russia, Prussia, Austria and England, established a Quadruple Alliance providing that these powers should hold congresses from time to time for the purpose of considering their common interests and the needs of Europe.

The Quadruple Alliance was a definite treaty, whereas the Holy Alliance was a general treaty. It was especially against France, but the Holy Alliance was related to all countries of Europe. Great Britain accepted Quadruple Alliance, because she believed in the definite treaty.