Bismarck knew it well how to create suitable opportunities and he was also quick to utilise them at the time of need. Looking to the need of future he helped Russia in Poland in 1863 and captured the port of Keil which speaks for his diplomatic insight.

He defeated Austria but quickly concluded peace with her because he did not intend to fight at two places at the same time. A war against France was almost essential, so he avoided waging a war against Austria simultaneously.

He cleverly made a fool of Napoleon III and made some oral promises to him which could not be fulfilled.

He intelligently twisted the language of the Ems telegram so that the Prussian monarch and the French king, Napoleon III were annoyed and itched for a war. He managed things in such a way that France could get help neither of Austria, nor of Russia or of Italy.


Bismarck played his diplomatic game in persuading Italy to join his camp. He incited France to capture Tunis for he knew well that Italy was also aspiring for Tunis.

When France occupied Tunis, Italy felt much frustrated and realized the need of having a powerful friend in Europe to acquire the desired provinces.

Italy extended her hand of friendship to Bismarck who readily accepted it and thus the triple alliance was very ingeniously formed by Bismarck.

Bismarck paid great attention to his aims, objectives and ideals. He left no stone unturned to achieve his mission. He was a true friend of Austria and a permanent enemy of France. He could go to any extent in benefiting his friend and his foe.


Thus we realise, Bismarck was a politician, statesman and diplomat of a very high calibre. His qualities of head and heart were clearly visible in his domestic and foreign policies. He tried to solve the domestic problems in an ingenious manner.

He endeavoured to crush the Roman Catholics and Socialists but he did not succeed completely.

However, he was considered to be the architect of European politics for twenty years and left his great impress on the era which came to be known as the “Age of Bismarck”.