1. Dysentery -There are two types

(i) Bacillary Dysentery.

(ii) Amoebic Dysentery.

(a) Bacillary Dysentery


It is caused by dysentery bacilli such as Sonne, Flexure, Shiga, etc. It is spread by bacilli excreted in the faeces; through defective sanitation and bad hygiene; by contaminated food and water. Flies play a major role in its spread. Bacillary dysentery is caused by acute inflammation of the large intestine with ulceration is severe cases.

(b) Amoebic Dysentery

In tropical and sub-tropical regions, in addition to the wide spread bacillary forms of dysentery, there is another common type, caused NOT by bacteria but by a parasite called the Entamoeba histolytic, which produces inflammation and ulceration of the color with severe diarrhea and the passage of blood and mucus in the stool.

This infection is usually spread through contaminated fruit, vegetables, and water. Disposal of sewage without contaminating the water supply is the most important preventive measure. However, it is often difficult to eradicate amoebae from the body once it takes place.



In acute stages emetine injections for three to five days followed by a course of emetine bismuth iodide, for twelve days. Chloroquine/Nivaquine is given for amoebic hepatitis.