The moon is nearest to the earth. It has no light of its own. It shines with the reflected light of the sun. People in the past thought that the moon was a goddess and they worshipped it as such. It is a huge globe similar to the earth, but much smaller than it.

It shines at night when the sun is off duty. It sheds light which is cool and refreshing. The moonlit nights after dark ones have a soothing effect on the mind and the body. The travellers like the moon and children enjoy playing in its light.

Now-a-days matches are held in moonlit nights. The play of light and shade among trees is at once pleasant. The running water in a river appears to be silvery. The reflection falling on the surface of water through the foliage of trees presents a beautiful sight to look at.

The budding twigs, the flowers tossing their heads in sprightly dances, the green fields, the murmuring brooks, the tender creepers and the plants all seem to wear silver robes when the white beams of the moon shine upon them. There is little difference between day and night when the moon is full.


A moonlit night gives a strange beauty to Nature. The trees, the hills, the rivers, the sand and everything else that is there looks bright and pleasing. Even towns and hamlets look charming on a moonlit night. Some buildings like the Taj have a special attraction on moonlit nights.

The entire sky is lighted up by the cool and soothing beams of the moon. Every object seems to glow with a radiant light

The sight of the moon makes one forget the worries and anxieties of the world where ‘men are anxious even in their sleep’. The moon beams enrich the juice in fruits and make it sweet. A poet compares a beautiful face to the moon.

A full moonlit night looks like a lake of silver. The moon exercises a peculiar fascination in our hearts and heads. The entire outlook of a man undergoes a transformation. A moonlit night is a wonderful time to move out and enjoy Nature in its purity.


On a moonlit night, the beauties of nature thrills everybody. The peacocks whistle wonderfully. Their whistles can be heard from many furlongs away. The dogs are smarter. The jackals are less hoarse in their howls. The frogs leap up with joy. Only the owls and the bats are a bit sullen.

Moonlight brings a special charm in a railway journey as trees flit by like sentinels on duty. The lakes and mountains glisten in the distance. The fields have a fairyland appearance. Everything dull and drab becomes beautiful in the light of the moon. The moon has fascinated poets down the centuries.

A poet says:-

“How like a queen comes forth the lovely moon.


From the slow opening curtains of the clouds

Walking in beauty to her midnight throne”.