
Bronchial asthma is an allergic disorder of the bronchial tube which gets narrowed due to allergic reactions. It is accompanied by wheez­ing and coughing. The narrowing of the bronchus is due to reasons such as contraction of the muscles of smaller bronchi (broncho spasm), thicken­ing of the lining of the bronchus or increased secretion of mucous result­ing in the blocking of the smaller bronchi.

Pateints suffering from asthma experience difficulty in breathing accompanied by wheezing (noisy breathing).

Factors that cause asthma:


A number of factors precipitate the attack of asthma. These are

1. Presence of allergic substances like dust, cotton dust, animal hairs, pollen etc. In Bangalore particularly it has been noticed that during winter season a number of plants produce allergic pollen that induce allergic asthma in susceptible persons.

2. In some persons ingestion of analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs may induce asthma.

3. Many environmental factors such as air pollutants from industries also cause asthma.


4. Industrial workers particularly those working in chemical, plastic, pharmaceutical, wood and other industries have a higher chance of suffer­ing from asthma.

5. Bacterial and other infections of the respiratory tract may also aggra­vate an asthmatic attack.

6. Sometimes physical exertion also may cause asthma.

7. Emotional stress and hereditary factors are other causes that precipitate asthma.



This may be classified into two – home treatment and hospital treatment. Home treatment includes administration of oxygen in a portable cylinder as asthmatic attack may severely restrict breathing. Bronchodilator drugs (drugs that increase the lumen of the bronchioles) should be given. Hospi­tal treatment includes oxygen via oxygen mask or nasal catheter. To com­pensate fluid loss oral fluids are to be given. The most important treatment includes the use of bronchodilators which give immediate relief. Some of these are –

Subcutaneous injection of adrenaline relieves bronchospasm immedi­ately.

Aerosols of salbutamol can be given as inhalations.


Aminophyline may also be given as an intravenous injection. The drug should be injected very slowly.

Steriods are life saving drugs to be used in times of emergency. Hydrocartiozone is the most quick acting drug which can be given intra­venously.

Antibiotics are also helpful as they control respiratory infections that aggravate asthmatic conditions.

In extreme cases mechanical ventilation can be used if the patient does not respond to any of the above therapy.



The first step in prevention of asthma particularly in those persons who have a history is to identify the cause of allergy. Sensitivity to allergens may be identified by several tests which includes skin contact test. When once the cause of allergy has been established, patients should try to keep away from it.