
Stretching of the restricted musculature and strengthening trunk muscles – Blowing a table-tennis ball across a table to an opponent helps in short inhalation and forceful expiration.

Different types of ‘pranayama’ and breathing exxorcises should be practised. Short distance jogging and swimming are recommended.

Cardiac disorder:


(i) Rheumatic heart disease: Non-strenuous physical activities, bicycling, free-hand exercises, selected individual sports may be practised along with proper medical treatment.

(ii) Atherosclerosis: Along with treatment, proper diet & avoidance of alcohol, regular participation in physical activities are healthful. Morning setting-up exercises, walking, jogging; slow continuous running, bicycling, graded treadmill run etc. are beneficial for middle-aged and aged persons.

(iii) Angina Pectoris: Open air walking, slow jogging, free hand exercises, and breathing exercises may be practised by the patient of the angina pectoris.

(iv) Myocardial Infarction: Isometric or strength exercises or activities including prolonged duration of isometric contraction must be avoided: Walking, cycling, swimming and aerobic exercise may be done according to individual ability.


[Competitive play with its emphasis on winning contra- indicated for most heart patients. Opinion from cardiovascular expert and exercise specialist must be taken before prescribing exercise.]


Vigorous activity is essential. Individual sport or non-contact types of activities are recommended. Rope climbing, exercises in parallel bars, activities on high level climbing apparatus should be avoided. Epileptic child in a swimming pool needs constant supervision.



The haemophiliac has all the natural desire for play and activity as that of normal child. Emphasis should be given on self-reliazation. Body contact sports and hard ball games should be avoided. Exercise stress on the joints be avoided. Archery, table tennis, biliards, swimming, rope skipping and even golf can be played.

Diabetes Mellitus:

Walking, free hand exercise, mild physical activity, jogging, bicycling etc. can be considered as regular exercise program. Diabetic patients are more succeptible to fatigue, so prolonged strenuous exercise should be avoided.

Young diabetic can perform submaximal continuous muscular activity. Swimming, cross country, and aerobics are the popular activities for the young.


Muscular disorders (Muscular dystrophy, Myasthenia gravis etc.):

Contraction and relaxation of both affected and unaffected muscles, stretching exercise, throwing, batting, kicking, stepping up and over objects, and less vigorous activities.

Lowback pain:

For reducing low back pain (a) Strengthening the abdominal muscles and (b) stretching the hamstring muscles are needed. Exercises are 1) pelvic tilt, 2) partial sit-up; 3) partial wall slide, 4) straddle stretch, 5) Low back stretch, 6) Sitting hamstring stretch etc. are recommended.