Ozone layer shields us from biocidal ultraviolet radiations. Depletion of stratospheric ozone concentration shall result in an increased penetration of Ultraviolet-B radiations. A higher loss of stratospheric ozone could cause entry of not only UV-B radiations but also Ultraviolet-C radiations.

This could turn the geological clock back to the era when the ozone umbrella was very thin. Terrestrial life shall be drastically affected so also will be aquatic life which occurs in shallower waters. In brief consequences of ozone depletion may be summed up as follows:

(1) As absorption of ultraviolet radiations in the range of 2800-3150 A is largely due to the absorption by DNA and RNA molecules which as a consequence break down. Increased UV-B penetration shall cause a rapid rise in ailments and damages associated with DNA and RNA disruption. Cancers of the parts exposed to solar radiations shall become more frequent. Crude estimates suggest that there could be 100% rise in incidence of skin cancers for a 25% reduction in stratospheric ozone content.

(2) A direct correlation has been observed between cataract formation in eyes and ultraviolet radiations. Our skin and eye-lens contains chromatophores which absorb ultraviolet radiations ant generate highly reactive oxygen, hydroxyl radicals and hydrogen peroxide which damage cell’s structural and functional components.


(3) Higher animals possess thick skin, hairs etc. as protective devices. However, plants and lower animals which are often at a lower level in the trophic structure shall be the worst suffers as they have nothing but a simple cell wall for their protection against high energy radiations. With the primary trophic levels drastically impaired the entire ecosystems could collapse. This is more likely in marine environment where the tiny phytoplanktons are the sole producers.

(4) With rise in high energy ultraviolet radiations a number of complex photochemical reaction are likely to occur which shall produce a variety of toxic highly irritating chemicals – the photocheraica smog – from seemingly harmless constituents. These chemicals could be highly injurious to living systems. In plants adverse effects on the process of photosynthesis could drastically affect primary production which in turn could disturb the entire ecosystem.