Ozone layer depletion poses many serious threats in human health. As the stratospheric ozone layer thins, relatively more of the harmful wavelength of ultraviolet radiation will reach the Earth’s surface. Ultraviolet radiation has many effects on animals, people, plants and materials.

The radiation may result in widespread eye damage and outbreak of infectious diseases as well as an increase in the incidence of skin cancers. Vaccination against some diseases become less effective and more shorter wave ultraviolet radiation will trigger chemical reaction in the lower atmosphere, increasing smog and acid rains, leading to a rise in respiratory problems and increase in global warming and air pollution.

Ozone layer depletion disrupts ocean life and affects the marine food web. It has been estimated that 16 per cent ozone depletion would cause a 5 per cent decrease in plankton number, 7 per cent drop in fish yield thus representing a loss of 6 million tonnes of fish each year.