In last April I went to see off my younger brother at the Palam Aerodrome. The place was full of great hustle and bustle. I saw many aeroplanes of different shapes and sizes standing there. They were huge things with large wings and tails. Their aluminium bodies were shining in the sun. Some aeroplanes were landing and others were taking off. In the air they looked so small but on the ground they were so huge.

An aeroplane has a boat-like appearance. It has a propeller, ‘wings and wheels. It is driven by petrol and before it flies, it runs along the air strip for some time. When soaring up in the air, it looks like a great bee.

We were led to an aeroplane standing in a corner. A staircase led to its small door. My brother entered the aeroplane and took his seat. All the seats were occupied in a short time. The seats were lovely and cosy. I saw the inside of an aeroplane for the first time and the sight belied all my guesses about it.

There were very comfortable rooms which were furnished with tables, chairs and costly rugs. There was a pantry and a kitchen within and the passengers could obtain their supplies of refreshments just by pressing a button attached to the wall nearest to them.


My brother and other passengers secured themselves in their seats with leather straps. The doors and windows were closed. The passengers could look at the planes outside through the glass windows. There were three air hostesses inside.

They looked smart, attractive and charming. They were all courtesy to the passengers. The pilot occupied his seat. A signal was given for the plane to take off. I waved farewell to my brother. The radio officer, the engineers and the weather expert took their respective posts.

The machine was set in motion. The aeroplane began to run on the cemented floor of the aerodrome. There was a ghastly splutter but soon the sound became familiar. After running some distance on the ground, the plane rose in the air.

It rose higher and higher till it balanced itself above the clouds. Then it moved forward at an enormous speed. It made a droning noise and was soon out of sight.


It darted through the air at an incredible speed. In the meantime I saw another big plane slowing down. It flew lower and lower till it touched the path-way. It came to a standstill and the passengers began to descend one by one, in an orderly way.

It made me feel how great the mind of man is. He has reached the clouds and dreams of reaching the moon within the next ten years. He has beaten the birds. Air travel is the swiftest and perhaps the most convenient and luxurious form of travel and transport.

The world is getting smaller and smaller owing to mechanical inventions like aeroplanes. Easier and quicker contacts with the outside world have helped the people develop an international outlook. People have begun to feel that people of the whole world are members of one human family.