This is the period of summer in the northern hemisphere Because of the apparent movement of the sun towards the Tropic of Cancer, all pressure belts shift towards the north.

Therefore the equatorial trough of low pressure also is located well to the north of equator, especially over the warm land areas of the northern hemisphere. The heat lows are conspicuous over the southwestern United States and over India, Asia Minor, and North Africa.

In the northern hemisphere, the well-developed high-pressure cells are found over the North Atlantic and North pacific.

The Pacific High and the Azores-Bermuda High are noteworthy. In July there is winter in the southern hemisphere. The subtropical high -pressure belt is more continuous than in the month of January.


There is a high-pressure cell established over the continent of Australia. However, in the southern hemisphere, high pressure develops only slightly on the continents for there are no large land areas in the high latitudes.

Like January, in July too the sub-polar low-pressure belt is rather continuous in the southern hemisphere. But in the northern hemisphere, the sub-polar and equatorial low-pressure belts merge over the continents. However, the sub-polar low-pressure belt persists to a small degree over the oceans.