UV radiation suppresses allergic reaction of the skin and affects the immune system. As a result skin cancer is developed along with many infectious diseases. These include measles and other viral diseases, herpes, parasite diseases, malaria, tuberculosis leprosy and fungal infection.

Skin Cancer :

It has been estimated that five per cent decrease in ozone would mean 14% increase basal cell carcinoma and 25% increases in the carcinoma. It has also been estimated that every one per cent decrease in stratosphere ozone could mean that 2% of world population will develop the type of cancer.

Cataracts and Blindness :


Cataracts and blindness are also expected to increase with depletion of ozone layer. Ultra violet radiation damages cornea, lens and to a lesser extent the retina. It has been estimated that one per cent radiation of the ozone layer can cause 150 thousands cataracts. Exposure to sunlight has been established as factor in the development of intraocular in melanoma.

Impacts on Oceans :

Depletion of ozone layer disrupts oceans life. The most significant effect of increasing amounts of UV radiation is on plankton and other tiny marine organisms. Planktons produce more than one-half of earth biomass. UV radiation reduces the amount of phytoplankton and zooplankton. In addition it leads to 5% disease in fish yield.

Damage to Materials :


Depletion of ozone layer causes many materials to degrade more rapidly. Plastic outdoors will have much shorter life times. Polyacrmyl shadings, window pipes, gullies and trims used in buildings are likely to degrade faster along with cable coverings. Developing countries will suffer the most because plastics are cheap and popular in building materials.

Green House Effect :

The haloalkanes not only deplete ozone layer but they are also known as potential green house gases. Phytoplanktons in the oceans normally absorb half of the CO2 of the atmosphere. Such quality of phytoplankton is considerably decreased when exposed to UV radiation such a process result in the increased level of CO2 in the atmosphere which in effect will contribute to global warming and hence will have house effect.