Here are few washing tips to make your cloth white and bright.

(i) Applying blue.

Blue is applied to white clothes for enhancing shine and white­ness. Blue is mixed thoroughly in water. Clothes are dipped for sometime in it. After squeezing, clothes are dried. Two types of blue are available in the market:

(a) Ultramarine blue.


(b) Chemical dye.

Ultramarine blue doesn’t have any bad effect on the fibres of clothes. Chemical blue spreads evenly to the cloth and leaves no stains.

Method of applying blue.

Take water in a bucket. Put blue in a muslin cloth and secure it with a thread. Then it should be resolved in the bucket so that blue is mixed evenly with water. It should be checked by taking the water on the palm. If the colour is light blue then the solution is okay. If the colour is dark, more water should be added to obtain consistent colour. Then clothes should be dipped for some time, squeezed, and dried.


(ii) Whitening agents.

Many whitening agents are available in the market, which are used to give whiteness to the clothes. They are used in very small quantity. Instructions written on the packets should be followed. Mostly 1 cap is added to VI bucket of water. Clothes are dipped, squeezed and then dried.

(iii) Vinegar.

Vinegar is added to the last wash or rinse while washing coloured, delicate clothes. It makes the colour fast and gives luster and shine to the clothes.


(iv) To make clothes stiff by starch.

Starch is made from rice, maida and gum. These days ready-made starch is also available in the market. Starch is dissolved in water and clothes are dipped in the solution for some time. After squeezing lightly, these are dried. Rice or maida starch is used for cotton clothes whereas gum starch is used for silken clothes. Vinegar is used for shine in silken and woollen clothes.